Tag: Social justice

239 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Hoots and Hollers Janet Keating Dec 7, 2017
30 Years of OVEC: A Few Stand-Out Moments
Reflections on OVEC's 30 years of standing our ground with citizens and communities threatened by polluting and extractive industries. More
Issues: Climate changeCoalDEPFrackingMountaintop removalSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Dec 6, 2017
Comments of Vivian Stockman at the Hearing on the Proposed Repeal of the Clean Power Plan
We simply do not have to choose between either our health and breathable air or economic opportunities. That’s a lie fossil fuel lobbyists and their bought-and-paid-for politicians desperately want us to continue believing. But, willful ignorance solves nothing. More
Issues: Climate changeCoalFrackingPollutionSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Dec 6, 2017
Comments of Dustin White at the Hearing on the Proposed Repeal of the Clean Power Plan
The majority of coal still mined here is metallurgical being shipped overseas. It is not for electric generation. This repeal will not bring back coal jobs in WV. And let’s stop pretending this administration cares what citizens think. More
Issues: Climate changeCoalEPAHealthPollutionSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Dec 4, 2017
#SavetheNet #StoptheVote – It’s Coming Down to the Wire on Net Neutrality
#SavetheNet. This is an all-hands-on-deck moment to save the Internet. What can you do now? Action steps compile here. Protest coming up in Huntington, St. Albans. More
Issues: FrackingMountaintop removalRenewable energySocial justice
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Nov 27, 2017
People of Faith Care for Creation: WVIPL and the Clean Power Plan
We members of the WV Interfaith Power and Light Steering Committee seek to build a coalition of faith-based voices throughout our beautiful state, who will actively engage in the work of preserving the clean air, water and over-all environment on which all life depends.  Therefore, we oppose Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt’s recent proposal to repeal the Clean Power Plan. More
Issues: Climate changePollutionRenewable energySocial justice
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Nov 27, 2017
On #GivingTuesday, Support OVEC’s $30 for 30 Campaign
If you take part in #GivingTuesday, will you consider making a donation to OVEC as part of our $30 for 30 campaign? More
Issues: Social justiceWater
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Oct 26, 2017
Dianne McFarland Bady: August 8, 1950 – October 23, 2017
Dianne McFarland Bady died after a short illness, but a long struggle. Her final days came much too soon, and we are bereft. But she departed with her friends and family at her side, and her soul was at peace. Although it took an incurable cancer to force her to finally retire, OVEC will continue and nothing can kill Dianne’s vision. More
Issues: FrackingHealthMountaintop removalPipelinesSocial justice
Action Alert Vivian Oct 7, 2017
Our Annual Picnic is October 7; We Hope You Can Join Us
It's today, Saturday October 7. Come on out for our annual member and supporter picnic—30th anniversary edition! There's no need to bring a dish, as OVEC is providing lunch.  More
Issues: Climate changeMountaintop removalPipelinesSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Sep 7, 2017
OVEC’s $30 for 30 Campaign to Mark Our 30th Year
OVEC turns 30 this year. Times are tough, so we are asking for your help in our $30 for 30 campaign. Become a member. Ask friends to join. Send an extra gift of $30 or more. From now to the end of the year, we have a goal of raising $30,000. More
Issues: FrackingMountaintop removalPipelinesRenewable energySocial justice
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Aug 20, 2017
Racist-in-Chief Trump Must Go. Wait, Then Pence! Prep for Worst: Heed Naomi Klein
Racist-in-Chief Trump Must Go. Of course, Trump's departure won't end racism, won't crush white supremacy. And we'll have Pence then. Yikes! Naomi Klein has great advice for prepping for next steps in Shock politics. More
Issues: Racial inequalitySocial justice
Action Alert Vivian Aug 18, 2017
BLM Rally Sunday; MTR Speak Out; Charlottesville, Trump and Resistance
Black Lives Matter Rally Sunday in Charleston, WV; Another Chance to Speak out on Mountaintop Removal and Human Health; Charlottesville, Trump and Resistance and more: August 2017 OVEC Action Alert. More
Issues: Mountaintop removalRacial inequalitySocial justiceWater
Hoots and Hollers Robin Blakeman Jul 7, 2017
Spiritual Convergence in the Time of Climate Change
I heard these wise words from Standing Rock leader Cheryl Angel at a recent conference, Ministry in the Time of Climate Change. This amazing event was organized and hosted in NYC by the Center for Earth Ethics and Climate Reality; it was more of a convergence than a conference. More
Issues: Climate changeFaithSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers Janet Keating Jun 16, 2017
Pete Hill: The Earth Lost a Great Activist
Soldier, biologist, teacher, community development advisor, non-violent/peaceful solutions expert, peer counselor, tinkerer, sailor, mediator, ordained minister, activist, and more…   On June 13, 2017, Pete Hill, who taught hundreds of activists about the power of non-violent direct action, died peacefully. His wife, Marty Zinn, was beside him. Nearly 95 years old, Pete maintained a youthful attitude. […] More
Issues: Social justice
headwaters defense
Hoots and Hollers OVEC May 17, 2017
Shots Fired During Rally to Oppose Toxic Waste Dumping; Peaceful Protesters Carry On: Headwaters Defense
Headwaters Defense on toxic waste dumps in Fayette County, WV: Shut 'em down! Clean 'em up! More
Issues: FrackingHealthPollutionSocial justiceWater
Hoots and Hollers Janet Keating Apr 27, 2017
Lamenting J.D. Vance’s Hillbilly Elegy
Undoubtedly, horribly broken families like Vance’s do exist in Appalachia, but as they exist here, they also exist elsewhere. More
Issues: CoalFossil fuelsMountaintop removalSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Apr 6, 2017
Ms. Magazine and Blog Features OVEC; Sign Up for Associated Webinar
Ms. magazine's Spring 2017 issue features a story on OVEC! A March 31 Ms. Blog entry, A Sustainable Solution: Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition,excerpts some of the article. More
Issues: Renewable energySocial justiceSustainabilityTransition economy
Newsletter OVEC Mar 30, 2017
Winds of Change, Spring 2017
On January 19, FERC (the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) approved the Leach Xpress pipeline. This 36-inch, high pressure pipeline for fracked gas would bore under the Ohio River near Camden Park in the Huntington area. Starting on page 4, read about this and the 8 other large-diameter pipelines More
Issues: Climate changeCoalMountaintop removalPipelinesPollutionSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Dec 16, 2016
Survey Says: Thank You for Taking It! We are Processing Your Input
Survey: We Hear You! Just so you know, we are still processing all the data. We really value your input and opinions, as well as the time you took to let us know what you think. Here is some of what you said. More
Issues: Climate changeFrackingMountaintop removalSocial justiceTransition economyWater
Hoots and Hollers Janet Keating Dec 12, 2016
Remembering Ken Hechler: Champion of the People
Ken Hechler, RIP. Union supporter, environmentalist, statesman, writer, historian, teacher, husband, father and add one more label—civil rights activist. Dear Ken, we know that you, of all people, have earned your eternal rest. Well done. You will be sorely missed. More
Issues: CoalMountaintop removalRacial inequalitySocial justice
Hoots and Hollers Janet Keating Dec 7, 2016
Don’t Just Rage—Donate! Your Support Makes Our Work Possible
You can feel proud to be a member of such a tenacious, hard-working environmental group. I know that OVEC wouldn’t have become such an effective organization without your loyal support, your time, your presence at events and, importantly, your tax-deductible contributions—adding up to victories both small and large. You carried the day in 2016. However, our work is far from over. More
Issues: FrackingMountaintop removalPipelinesSocial justice
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