Tag: Health

216 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Women have something to say about water
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Apr 2, 2014
Hey Women! Got Something To Say on Water Crisis?
Over the next two weeks, the Women and Water Campaign will host two “Women and Water Listening Sessions.” These sessions, happening on the heels of the WV Testing Assessment Project (WVTAP) Health Expert Panel and the recent debacle surrounding the dumping of MCHM in the Hurricane landfill More
Issues: HealthMCHMSocial justice
Newsletter OVEC Mar 8, 2014
Winds of Change, March 2014
Don’t drink the water. Don’t shower. Don’t cook with it or wash your clothes. There’s half a century gone. Gone most of us who went to Elk Grade School, gone, too. Gone the white frame homes, the small brick duplexes, the school we marched to for our polio shots. Gone the quick-tongued streams, gone the valleys, filled with mountaintop, gone from the fog-draped skyscape. It’s licorice scented air, not sun-dried cotton sheets, licorice wafting from the tap. More
Issues: EnergyFrackingHealthMountaintop removalPollutionWater
Hoots and Hollers Kerry Chad Albright Feb 4, 2014
Thoughts on the Chemical / Water Crisis from the Buffalo Creek Miracle Baby
This is possibly the slowest holocaust In history. It's actually quite brilliant. They've managed to put the gas chambers directly in your house. The best way to hide a chamber is by placing it in plain sight. We all know that from the hidden government bunkers at The Greenbrier Hotel. Unfortunately the site this time is your own home. More
Issues: CoalHealth
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Feb 4, 2014
McEntee’s Comments @ SB373 Public Hearing
On February 3, the WV Legislature held a public hearing on SB 373, a bill crafted in response to the MCHM chemical / water crisis still unfolding here in Central West Virginia. Below are the comments from one of the 50 people who spoke last night. More
Issues: HealthMCHMWaterWV American Water
Hoots and Hollers Betty Dotson-Lewis Nov 10, 2013
Black Lung Victims, Sacrificial Lambs of Coalfields
A Center for Public Integrity reporter, Chris Hamby, conducted a yearlong investigation into the failed Black Lung Benefit package awarded to disabled coalminers in 1969 legislation. ABC News and Nightline aired a form of this three-part series revealing startling, unethical measures used to help defeat the miner and his widow in their weakest hour. These methods, driven by money from coal companies, involve the biggest and oldest law firm in West Virginia, Jackson- Kelly and a renowned medical center, John Hopkins University. Actions by these revered groups were clandestine and protected by politician and policy. More
Issues: CoalHealthPollution
Paul Corbit Brown's photography, like the image above, chronicles the health impacts and human rights abuses of the coal industry. www.paulcorbitbrown.com.
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Nov 8, 2013
Keeper of the Mountains President Speaks Out on St. Mary’s and Unclean Coal
To encourage clean coal propaganda is to be complicit in the sickness, suffering and deaths of thousands of Appalachians. It is shameful for a hospital whose primary function should be the health of its community. More
Issues: CoalHealthMountaintop removalSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Nov 7, 2013
Retired Miner Blasts St. Mary’s for Hosting Coal Lobby Group Head
By hosting the American Coalition for "Clean Coal" Electricity (ACCCE), St. Mary's Center of Education is promoting dirty energy that inflicts serious health impairments on the public. This mirrors what John Hopkins Medical Center is doing (or was doing until days ago when they were exposed)-- creating a major road block for miners with black lung, who are being denied their rightful benefits for a disease that is taking the lives of thousands of miners. More
Issues: CoalHealthMountaintop removalSocial justice
Support the ACHE Campaign
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Oct 28, 2013
ACHE Responds to Latest MTR Health Study
Major depression rates are 40% higher among residents living near mountaintop removal coal mining, according to a recent peer-reviewed study. This work adds to the growing body of evidence linking mountaintop removal to serious health impacts in Appalachia. Residents responded that the study further demonstrates an urgent need for the Appalachian Community Health Emergency (ACHE) Act, HR 526. More
Issues: HealthMountaintop removalSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Oct 24, 2013
Synopsis: Increased Risk of Depression for People Living in Coal Mining Areas of Central Appalachia
Main Points: Individuals residing in areas where mountaintop removal is practiced experienced significantly more poor mental health days. 36% of persons in mountain top removal areas were mildly depressed. 17% of persons in mountain top removal areas were moderately depressed. 7% of persons in mountain top removal areas were severely depressed. Overview Summary Study Background: […] More
Issues: HealthMountaintop removal
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Oct 10, 2013
Synopsis: The Environmental Price Tag on a Ton of Mountaintop Removal Coal
Main Points: While several thousand square kilometers of land area have been subject to surface mining in the Central Appalachians, no reliable estimate exists for how much coal is produced per unit landscape disturbance. A one-year supply of coal would result in ∼2,300 km of stream impairment and a loss of ecosystem carbon sequestration capacity comparable to the global warming potential of >33,000 US homes. More
Issues: Climate changeHealthMountaintop removalWater
Newsletter OVEC Sep 3, 2013
Winds of Change, September 2013
On the lovely summer evening of July 26, about 80 OVEC members and supporters, many pictured above, gathered to picnic at Coonskin Park in Charleston, WV. We venture to say that everyone had fun, enjoying meeting friends old and new. Thanks to everyone who came out. More
Issues: DEPHealthMountaintop removalPollutionWater
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Aug 28, 2013
UnHoly Frack! Former WV DEP Head Now Chesapeake Mouthpiece
Last night I started watching Triple Divide, about deep shale gas fracking in Pennsylvania. I purchased a copy of the DVD from the Mountain Watershed Association last weekend, when I attended the No Fracking Way gathering. My dog looked at me funny when I yelled “What the frack!” at the TV. I was reacting to the voice of Chesapeake Energy’s director of federal affairs, a voice I recognized as belonging to Former DEP Secretary Stephanie Timmermeyer More
Issues: FrackingHealthMarcellus ShaleSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Aug 20, 2013
Volunteers Sought for Great Ohio River Relay
The Huntington Herald Dispatch carries a story today about the need for volunteers from our area to take part in the Great Ohio River Relay. Join up! Tentatively starting around September 22, OVEC has committed to providing relayers for the baton between Pt. Pleasant, WV and Ironton, OH. If you are interested in helping, contact […] More
Issues: FrackingHealthMarcellus ShaleSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers Dan Aug 13, 2013
Corporate Attacks Show Need for Economic Transition
From Southern West Virginia to Detroit, there is a corporate attack happening on working people’s pensions and benefits. While we hold out hope for a good settlement between the UMWA and Patriot Coal, there was no reason for this situation. Promises were made in exchange for hard work from these miners, and these promises should be […] More
Issues: Clean electionsCoalHealthPollutionSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Aug 6, 2013
August 15: Come Out to CARE
We hope you will join us: CARE: Citizen Action for Real Enforcement August 15: 6-8 p.m. CARE TEACH-IN at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 520 Kanawha Blvd West, Charleston, WV. Free and open to public. Pizza and beverages provided.Help spread the word – post this flier at school, work and friendly businesses. Floods, contaminated water, coal […] More
Issues: HealthMountaintop removal
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Aug 5, 2013
ENERGY: Overdevelopment and the Delusion of Endless Growth
  Thanks to the Post Carbon Institute (PCI; like them on Facebook here), OVEC is in the midst of distributing more than 250 copies of the large-format book ENERGY: Overdevelopment and the Delusion of Endless Growth. Organizationally, OVEC has partnered with PCI in their Energy Reality Campaign, a national effort to increase energy literacy, with […] More
Issues: Climate changeCoalEnergy efficiencyHealthMarcellus ShaleMountaintop removalPollution
Hoots and Hollers Robin Blakeman Aug 3, 2013
The Great Ohio River Relay Needs You!
August 29 update: The kick-off event will be in Pittsburgh at the Mr. Rogers statue, not Point Pleasant Park Calling all kayakers, canoeists, bicyclists, walkers, runners, rollerbladers or anyone who can transport a baton by any non-fossil fuel means. And, calling anyone who can attend a rally. We’re going to need you to help us […] More
Issues: FrackingHealthMarcellus ShaleSocial justiceWater
Hoots and Hollers Dustin White Apr 25, 2013
A Child’s World
     I stood behind the table watching the young girl study the images.  Her long dirty-blonde hair glistened in the sun and swayed in the chilly breeze.  She must have been around eleven or twelve.  She spoke softly to her younger brother.  He was about seven or eight but you could see his young […] More
Issues: CoalEPAHealthMountaintop removalPollutionSocial justiceWater
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Apr 18, 2013
The Health Impacts of Mountaintop Removal Mining
In 2011 a group of researchers from West Virginia University and Washington State University published a study on the association between exposure to mountaintop removal (MTR) mining and the increased rate of birth defects in Central Appalachia. More
Issues: CoalHealthMountaintop removal
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Apr 7, 2013
Synopsis: Personal and Family Health in Rural Areas of Kentucky With and Without Mountaintop Coal Mining
Main Points: Surface water emerging from MTM mining sites, or present in ground water proximate to mining, is characterized by elevated sulfates, iron, manganese, arsenic, selenium, hydrogen sulfide, lead, magnesium, calcium, and aluminum; pollutants severely damage aquatic stream life and persist for decades after mining at a particular site ceases. Airborne particulate matter around surface […] More
Issues: HealthMountaintop removal
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