Posts by Kerry Chad Albright

Kerry Chad Albright

2 posts found

Hoots and Hollers Kerry Chad Albright Feb 26, 2015
Kerry Chad Albright: Creek Respect
The miracle baby of Buffalo Creek, Kerry Chad Albright, pays respect to the waters of life on this anniversary of the terrible incident. More
Issues: CoalWater
Hoots and Hollers Kerry Chad Albright Feb 4, 2014
Thoughts on the Chemical / Water Crisis from the Buffalo Creek Miracle Baby
This is possibly the slowest holocaust In history. It's actually quite brilliant. They've managed to put the gas chambers directly in your house. The best way to hide a chamber is by placing it in plain sight. We all know that from the hidden government bunkers at The Greenbrier Hotel. Unfortunately the site this time is your own home. More
Issues: CoalHealth