Tag: Health

216 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Hoots and Hollers Janet Keating Feb 15, 2015
Sample Comments on AboveGround Storage Tank Bill
If you need some inspiration to draft your own note to send the committee considering the Aboveground Storage Tank Act , here's a sample letter, as well as e-mail addresses for the committee. More
Issues: Aboveground storage tanksCoalHealthMarcellus ShaleWaterWV American WaterWV Legislature
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Feb 15, 2015
Defend Our Drinking Water: Public Hearing 8:30 a.m. Monday
Massive thanks to WV Rivers Coalition for this action alert, which has all the details you need to attend public hearing on HB 2289, to reclassify the Kanawha River to be protected as a drinking water supply (Category A), set for 8:30 a.m., tomorrow Monday, Feb. 16. The weather forecast is not the greatest, so we really need folks already in the Charleston area to show up if at all possible. More
Issues: Aboveground storage tanksCoalHealthWaterWV American Water
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Feb 9, 2015
Speaking Up About HB 2566
HB 2566, the Coal Jobs and Safety Act of 2015 is a 59 page bill. You would think from the title that this is a positive bill that creates new job opportunities and a safer working environment for coal miners. Nothing could be further from the truth. More
Issues: CoalHealthMountaintop removalPollutionSocial justiceWater
Hoots and Hollers Robin Blakeman Feb 3, 2015
Defend Our Water: Save SB 373!
It took intense citizen pressure to pass SB 373, and we need to build that pressure again to preserve the improvements to water regulation gained in that bill. Act fast because this bill (HB 2574) seems fast tracked, with only one committee reference (House Judiciary). More
Issues: Aboveground storage tanksCoalHealthMarcellus ShaleMCHMPollutionSocial justiceWaterWV American Water
Hoots and Hollers Robin Blakeman Jan 24, 2015
Wise Woman Speaks on the Waters that Unite Us
Our leaders are in session this month. Take a stand. Make your voice heard! Start today! March and unite! Our nation was founded on the premise “by the people, for the people.” Remind our leaders that they work for us and demand they start working on a solution. Appalachians have always been strong and our ancestors fought many labor struggles and won! I haven’t given up on us. Our children are depending on us to do the right thing. More
Issues: FrackingHealthMarcellus ShaleMountaintop removalPollutionSocial justiceWater
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Jan 15, 2015
Water Unites Us: Rally for Clean Water Statewide
Hey West Virginia! Got fracking? Got mountaintop removal? Got acid mine drainage? Got oil & gas? Got chemical spills? Got sludge "ponds"? Got underground slurry injection? Got conductivity? Got selenium pollution? Got buried streams? Got to stand up for clean water! Come out Saturday, January 17 for a training and a rally for clean water, more events in January: A Month of Water in Charleston, WV More
Issues: CoalFrackingHealthMarcellus ShaleMountaintop removalPollutionSocial justiceWaterWV American Water
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Jan 13, 2015
Legislative Advocacy Training Friday in Huntington
Do you know how to speak with your elected officials? Do you want to become a citizen advocate? OVEC is partnering with WVFREE, WV-CAG and other groups to offer you this free training. The training will help you become more involved in the legislative process and learn how to be an effective advocate for the issues important to your community. Join us this Friday. More
Issues: Clean electionsHealthSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Jan 13, 2015
Morgantown Adovcacy Training Tonight
Come understand the legislative process, get tips on speaking with elected officials, and learn about progressive organizations and issues in WV! More
Issues: Clean electionsHealthSocial justice
Newsletter OVEC Dec 31, 2014
Winds of Change, Winter 2014-15
On September 30, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia upheld the Environmental Protection Agency’s veto of a permit for one of the largest and most extreme mountaintop removal coal mines ever proposed in Appalachia: Arch Coal’s Spruce No. 1 Mine in Logan County. More
Issues: FrackingHealthMountaintop removalPollutionWater
Press Release OVEC Dec 10, 2014
Patriot Coal’s Hobet 21 Mining Complex a Major Source of Harmful Pollution
Citizen and environmental groups have put Patriot Coal Corporation subsidiary Hobet Mining on notice of their intent to sue over the company’s pollution at its sprawling Hobet 21 coal mining complex in Boone County, WV. More
Issues: CoalHealthPollution
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Nov 12, 2014
Synopsis: Appalachian Mountaintop Mining Particulate Matter Induces Neoplastic Transformation of Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells and Promotes Tumor Formation
Synopsis: Appalachian Mountaintop Mining Particulate Matter Induces Neoplastic Transformation of Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells and Promotes Tumor Formation More
Issues: HealthMountaintop removal
Shannon Bell
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Nov 7, 2014
Buy Shannon Bell’s Award Winning Book, Support OVEC
Congratulations to long-time OVEC member Shannon Bell and all the warrior women in her book Our Roots Run Deep as Ironweed: Appalachian Women and the Fight for Environmental Justice. The book continues to rack up awards, the latest of which is 2014 Association for Humanist Sociology (AHS) Book Award. The AHS is a professional organization committed to “using sociology to promote peace, equality, and social justice." More
Issues: Cemetery protectionCoalHealth
Corporate greed
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Nov 6, 2014
Who’s Happy Now? Don’t Mourn, Organize
A story in news headline-links: Unofficial Voter Turnout In WV Tuesday Estimated At 37.3 Percent Nationwide, Actual election turnout far lower than reported (Too late this time, but: 5 Ways Life in America Would Be Better if Everyone Voted) Why Democrats lost More
Issues: Clean electionsClimate changeHealthSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Oct 30, 2014
Debunking the Misleading Claims of the Oil and Gas Industry
Debunking the misleading claims of the oil and gas industry Dr. Randi Pokladnik and her husband Joel are long-time OVEC members. Randi is from eastern Ohio and has lived for 59 years in the strip-mined coal counties of Jefferson and Harrison. Unfortunately, deep shale gas fracking activities have become the latest way to destroy these beautiful areas. More
Issues: HealthMarcellus ShaleMountaintop removal
#Change the Current
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Oct 30, 2014
Need Clean Water? Vote! #changethecurrent
FB-CoverPhoto41 West Virginia’s major water sources, like the Kanawha River, have had the highest rate of reproductive toxins that can lead to birth defects and reproductive disorders in the country. That’s just one reason why OVEC has partnered with WV FREE and other groups for the #changethecurrent campaign. Without adequate safe water regulations and requirements, West Virginia’s most valuable resource – families and children – are at risk of exposure. More
Issues: CoalEnergy efficiencyHealthMarcellus ShaleMountaintop removalSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Oct 4, 2014
Livestream on Now: Wellness and Water
If you can't make it out to Charleston today, check out the Livestream of Wellness and Water here. More
Issues: CoalHealthMarcellus ShaleMountaintop removal
Even Hillbilllies Deserve Clean Water
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Sep 8, 2014
DC: ‘Shine Tonight – Come Taste It
Time to get your 'shine on! Moonshine that is. If you are in or near the Washington, D.C. area, please come out tonight starting at 7:30 p.m. at the Stewart R. Mott House.Help raise awareness and funds, while sampling some traditional Appalachian beverages with the experts! More
Issues: CoalHealthMountaintop removalWater
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Jul 11, 2014
Fast for the Mountains on Fifth Day
Roland Micklem and Mike Roselle are fasting in Charleston, WV as a witness against mountaintop removal coal mining. They are on day five of the fast, sitting on a bench outside the governor’s office in the West Virginia State Capitol. The fasters need your support and encouragement, so come on out and visit with them. They may even take a brief break if you can sit in for them for a few hours or a day. Come join Fast for the Mountains. More
Issues: CoalHealthMountaintop removal
Hoots and Hollers Vivian May 27, 2014
Save Mountains, Then Dance: MJS Camp and Supermoon Festival
Mountain Justice Summer Camp and Supermoon Music Festival, June 14-22 on top of Pine Mountain in eastern Kentucky. The 10th Annual Mountain Justice Summer Camp is scheduled for June 14-22 on top of beautiful Pine Mountain in eastern Kentucky near Whitesburg. Registration for the summer camp is now live and everyone concerned about the future of Appalachia’s forests, water systems and mountains is invited! The low-cost registration includes all meals, tent camping and workshops and activities for the week. More
Issues: HealthMountaintop removal
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Apr 22, 2014
Nibi is Life – Ohio River Walk 2014 Underway
OVEC members and supporters and all Friends of Water are urged to support the Ohio River Walk 2014. More
Issues: HealthPollutionSocial justiceWater
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