Posts by Betty Dotson-Lewis

Betty Dotson-Lewis

1 posts found

Hoots and Hollers Betty Dotson-Lewis Nov 10, 2013
Black Lung Victims, Sacrificial Lambs of Coalfields
A Center for Public Integrity reporter, Chris Hamby, conducted a yearlong investigation into the failed Black Lung Benefit package awarded to disabled coalminers in 1969 legislation. ABC News and Nightline aired a form of this three-part series revealing startling, unethical measures used to help defeat the miner and his widow in their weakest hour. These methods, driven by money from coal companies, involve the biggest and oldest law firm in West Virginia, Jackson- Kelly and a renowned medical center, John Hopkins University. Actions by these revered groups were clandestine and protected by politician and policy. More
Issues: CoalHealthPollution