Tag: Climate change

196 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Newsletter OVEC Mar 30, 2017
Winds of Change, Spring 2017
On January 19, FERC (the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) approved the Leach Xpress pipeline. This 36-inch, high pressure pipeline for fracked gas would bore under the Ohio River near Camden Park in the Huntington area. Starting on page 4, read about this and the 8 other large-diameter pipelines More
Issues: Climate changeCoalMountaintop removalPipelinesPollutionSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Mar 22, 2017
OVEC’s 30th Birthday Bash Weekend
This year, OVEC turns 30 and we hope you can join us for our 30th Birthday Bash Weekend. After all, all work and no play makes one crabby. Come on out to celebrate, agitate, recreate, and appreciate one another.  The weekend’s events start on Friday, April 28 at 6 p.m. with our 20th Treehuggers’ Ball and 30th […] More
Issues: Climate changeFrackingHealthMountaintop removalPipelinesRenewable energy
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Feb 15, 2017
Oroville Dam Situation Dredges Up Worries Over Coal Sludge Dams
Climate change, unsafe dams, scofflaw coal companies and corporate-controlled government make for ongoing worry. More
Issues: Climate changeCoalDEPEPA
Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire Feb 10, 2017
The Other Side of Combating Climate Change
If we are to avert catastrophic climate change, not only do we need to ramp down greenhouse gas emissions extremely rapidly—we also need to sequester some of the excess carbon dioxide that’s already in our air. More
Issues: Climate change
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Dec 16, 2016
Survey Says: Thank You for Taking It! We are Processing Your Input
Survey: We Hear You! Just so you know, we are still processing all the data. We really value your input and opinions, as well as the time you took to let us know what you think. Here is some of what you said. More
Issues: Climate changeFrackingMountaintop removalSocial justiceTransition economyWater
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Dec 15, 2016
Letter to President-elect Trump: Grow Our Economy with Clean Energy Solutions
This letter to President-elect Trump ran as a full-page ad in USA Today on December 13. More
Issues: Climate changeRenewable energy
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Nov 23, 2016
Patagonia Donating 100% of Black Friday Sales to Grantee Groups; OVEC is a Grantee
On Black Friday, Patagonia is donating 100% of sales in stores and at patagonia.com to grassroots organizations, like OVEC, working to create positive change for the planet in their own backyards. More
Issues: Climate changeRenewable energySocial justice
Hoots and HollersPipeline Gallery OVEC Nov 20, 2016
Multiple Fracked Gas Pipelines Planned to Run Near or Cross Under Ohio River
Of all the pipelines planned for the Huntington area, Columbia’s proposed Leach Xpress pipeline is farthest along in the approval process. It would originate near the Ohio/Pennsylvania border, pass through Ohio’s fracking region, and then go under the Ohio River near the Camden Amusement Park, near Huntington, WV. More
Issues: Climate changeMarcellus ShalePipelinesRogersville Shale
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Nov 20, 2016
Call for the Climate: Support CCL’s D.C. Visit
CCL has data to show that Congress is becoming more and more aware that they must act. Help keep up the pressure by making those calls today! More
Issues: Climate change
Hoots and HollersMTR Gallery OVEC Nov 19, 2016
Did MTR Make Richwood Flooding Worse?
#endMTR How much did this MTR site in the South Fork watershed exacerbate the destruction of Richwood, #WV? https://ohvec.org/richwood-flooding-mtr/ More
Issues: Climate changeMountaintop removal
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Nov 16, 2016
Will You Complete Quick Survey About OVEC’s Work?
We urge you to complete this 5-minute survey. Your answers to the survey questions will help shape our work over the coming years. More
Issues: Clean electionsClimate changeFrackingMountaintop removalPipelinesRenewable energy
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Nov 4, 2016
Appalachia Stands with Standing Rock! #NoDAPL Solidarity Rally Nov. 15 in Huntington
Appalachia Stands with Standing Rock! #NoDAPL Solidarity Rally, 12:30 p.m. Nov. 15 @US Army Corps, 502 Eighth St, Huntington, WV More
Issues: Climate changeFaithPipelinesSocial justiceWater
Action Alert Vivian Nov 1, 2016
You Can Comment on Pipeline, Come to a Solar Open House, and Much More
From now until December 22, FERC (the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) is accepting comments on the the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) on the proposed Mountain Valley Pipeline project. More
Issues: Climate changePipelinesRenewable energy
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Oct 18, 2016
How to Let Go of the World: Oct. 24 Screening
The Citizens' Climate Lobby of Charleston, WV proudly presents the latest Josh Fox film, How to Let Go of the World and Learn to Love All the Things Climate Can't Change on Monday, October 24 at 6:30 p.m., at LaBelle Theater in South Charleston. More
Issues: Climate change
Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire Oct 4, 2016
A Day in DC for Climate Justice
During the last week of September, I went to Washington, D.C. with a couple other OVEC members in a trip organized by WV Citizens Action Group. More
Issues: Climate changeEPA
Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire Sep 26, 2016
WV AG Doesn’t Speak For Me
My name is Mary Wildfire and I live near Spencer, West Virginia. I’m here to say that when our Attorney General joined the suit against the Clean Power Plan, he did not speak for me, or most West Virginians. The Clean Power Plan is a sensible start to reducing the greenhouse gas emissions that threaten the future in West Virginia and everywhere else. More
Issues: Climate changeCoalEnergyRenewable energy
Hoots and Hollers Robin Blakeman Sep 21, 2016
Faith, Floods and Climate Change: WWJD?
What role can churches and faith communities play in the midst of these literal and political storms? It would be wonderful if our churches and faith communities could become advocates for disaster preparedness and disaster prevention, not to mention sustainable climate action. Many faith leaders sadly see this type of discussion and activity as “too political.” WWJD? More
Issues: Climate change
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Sep 19, 2016
MVP Draft Environmental Impact Statement Comment Period On
MVP comment period open. Citizen groups urge you to make comments on FERC's DEIS, either online, by mail or in person. More
Issues: Climate changeFrackingPipelines
Hoots and Hollers Janet Keating Aug 18, 2016
Latest Victims of Climate Chaos
Still denying the reality of climate change? In case you haven’t seen this in the news…according the New York Times, this past January, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development “announced grants totaling $1 billion in 13 states to help communities adapt to climate change. More
Issues: Climate changeFossil fuelsRenewable energy
Hoots and Hollers Robin Blakeman Jul 1, 2016
EPA Methane Rules: Some Things You Should Know
Here's some info on EPA's methane rules, including talking points that will help you take action. We urge WV folks to contact Sen. Manchin. More
Issues: Climate changeFracking
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