Hoots and Hollers, the OVEC Blog

882 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Hoots and Hollers OVEC Feb 14, 2018
Sign On to Letter About Auction of Charleston Gazette-Mail
On behalf of its employees and its readers (including you!), are you feeling some sustained outrage about the bankruptcy and pending auction of the Charleston Gazette-Mail? If so, please sign on to this letter, and ask your family and friends to do so, too. More
Issues: Social justice
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Feb 12, 2018
Gazette-Mail Bankruptcy: Noooo!
The enormity of the situation began to sink in that morning as we heard about the potential buyer. The bankruptcy of the Charleston Gazette-Mail in and of itself is one terrible thing; the possibility of the Wheeling Newspapers owning the Gazette-Mail takes things to a whole new low-level of bad news. More
Issues: Social justice
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Feb 8, 2018
All Kinds Welcome Here Lobby Day at State Capitol Today, More Upcoming Events and Actions
All Kinds Welcome Here Lobby Day is today! Plus, more events and actions you can participate in for the sake of West Virginia! More
Issues: HealthSocial justice
Micheal and Carrie Kline
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Feb 7, 2018
Hope: Klines’ “Game Changer” Examines Football as a Catalyst for Peaceful School Integration
Game Changer from the Kleins: Football as a Catalyst for Peaceful School Integration is the first installment  in Talking Across the Lines Hope audio series. More
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Feb 7, 2018
#Justice4Minden: Support the People of Minden, WV
#Justice4Minden 11:30 a.m. Sat. Feb 10, come to Headwaters Defense's action at the Green Space Public Park in Lewisburg, WV (on the corner of Rt. 219 and Rt. 60). Headwaters Defense says: Maybe Gov. Jim Justice will hear us if we show up in his hometown! More
Issues: HealthPollution
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Feb 5, 2018
DEP’s Response to Your Comments on MXP’s Stormwater Permit
A pdf of DEP's response to comments on its stormwater permit for the Mountaineer Xpress Pipeline. More
Issues: DEPFrackingPipelines
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Feb 2, 2018
Fact Sheet: How Can Petrochemical Facilities Depreciate Property Value?
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Issues: Appalachian Storage Hub
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Feb 1, 2018
Fact Sheet: Who Really Stands to Profit from the Appalachian Storage Hub/Petrochemical Complex?
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Issues: Appalachian Storage Hub
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Jan 23, 2018
Run, Run, Run for Office: Jan. 27 Deadline to File in WV
You have until Saturday, January 27 to file to run for elected office in West Virginia. Run to bring up the important issues! More
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Jan 22, 2018
A Petrochemical Mountain State? Let’s Do Better!—Guest Blog by Kirby Reed
I grew up in Louisiana's Cancer Alley. If we must dig deeper, let it be within ourselves, to improve our quality of life, not to give it away to the lowest bidder. Protect and use that powerful voice within you to demand a different option, and say no to the proposed Cancer Alley of the Ohio River Valley. More
Issues: Appalachian Storage HubFrackingPetrochemicalsPipelines
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Jan 8, 2018
OVEC ED Statement on the 4th Anniversary of the MCHM #WVWaterCrisis
4 years after the #WVWaterCrisis, our water resources are still in peril. You can defend our water! Show up for the 60-day WV Legislative Session. More
Issues: Aboveground storage tanksMCHMPollutionWater
Hoots and Hollers Dustin White Jan 4, 2018
Appalachian Storage Hub: A Petrochem Horror / #NoASH #NoCancerValley #PetroFreeWV
According to recent reports, the so-called "Appalachian Storage Hub" (ASH) has cleared its first hurdle. The U.S. Department of Energy has granted the first part of a two application loan of $1.9 billion for the Appalachia Storage & Trading Hub initiative. More
Issues: Appalachian Storage HubFrackingPetrochemicals
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Dec 19, 2017
MXP Stormwater Permit Comments Due by Dec. 22; Here’s OVEC’s Letter to WV DEP
The deadline for written comments on Mountaineer Xpress Pipeline’s stormwater permit is December 22. Here are OVEC's comments to DEP; use them to help draft your own comments. More
Issues: DEPFrackingPipelinesWater
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Dec 18, 2017
West Virginians: Be Registered & Be Ready to Vote
West Virginians: Be registered & Be Ready to Vote. Every vote counts! More
Issues: Social justice
MXP stormwater permit
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Dec 14, 2017
MXP Stormwater Permit Written Comments Accepted Until Dec. 22
Please send a written comment on the WV DEP's stormwater permit for the Mountaineer Xpress Pipeline by December 22. More
Issues: FrackingPipelines
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Dec 13, 2017
Comments of Mark Connelly at the Hearing on the Proposed Repeal of the Clean Power Plan
I believe that the Clean Power Plan should not be repealed, but should be strengthened. More
Issues: Climate changeCoalFrackingMountaintop removalPollution
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Dec 8, 2017
Rover Pipeline Construction Disrupts Community Near Sistersville, WV, Now and Forever
The eight homes here are located an average of 300 feet from the pipeline. Should a malfunction occur, the incineration zone for the pipeline is a radius  of approximately 1300 feet. That is, should a blast occur, everything within 1300 feet will be incinerated.  More
Issues: FrackingMarcellus ShalePipelines
Hoots and Hollers Janet Keating Dec 7, 2017
30 Years of OVEC: A Few Stand-Out Moments
Reflections on OVEC's 30 years of standing our ground with citizens and communities threatened by polluting and extractive industries. More
Issues: Climate changeCoalDEPFrackingMountaintop removalSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Dec 6, 2017
Comments of Vivian Stockman at the Hearing on the Proposed Repeal of the Clean Power Plan
We simply do not have to choose between either our health and breathable air or economic opportunities. That’s a lie fossil fuel lobbyists and their bought-and-paid-for politicians desperately want us to continue believing. But, willful ignorance solves nothing. More
Issues: Climate changeCoalFrackingPollutionSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Dec 6, 2017
Comments of Dustin White at the Hearing on the Proposed Repeal of the Clean Power Plan
The majority of coal still mined here is metallurgical being shipped overseas. It is not for electric generation. This repeal will not bring back coal jobs in WV. And let’s stop pretending this administration cares what citizens think. More
Issues: Climate changeCoalEPAHealthPollutionSocial justice
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