Tag: Health

216 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Hoots and Hollers OVEC Jun 2, 2015
Save the Date: July 31 is Picnic Time
Circle July 31 on your calendar and plan to join us for OVEC’s annual member and invited-guest picnic. Come on out to Coonskin Park! More
Issues: Clean electionsEnergyFrackingHealthMarcellus ShaleMountaintop removalMusicPipelinesSocial justiceWater
Hoots and Hollers OVEC May 27, 2015
Write Your Climate Letter Now, Get it Hand Delivered in DC
This year, six members of the WV CCL will be in D.C. to train, then lobby for the political will to curb CO2 emissions! You can help without travelling to D.C. WV CCL has a simple letter that you can fill-in. Download this, print, add your own words, sign and then get the letter to WV CCL before June 20. More
Issues: Clean electionsClimate changeHealth
Hoots and Hollers OVEC May 22, 2015
World Premiere of Blood on the Mountain Brings Labor, Environmentalists Together
Sierra Club and AFL-CIO, in association with the Workers Unite! Film Festival will co-host a world premiere celebrating release of the extraordinary new documentary feature film, Blood On The Mountain. More
Issues: CoalEnergyHealthMountaintop removalPollutionSocial justiceWV Legislature
Hoots and Hollers Vivian May 20, 2015
2 p.m. Today: OVEC Organizer Testifies at Congressional Hearing
OVEC community organizer Dustin White is among the witnesses at a Congressional hearing today. To watch the hearing live at 2 p.m.: http://naturalresources.house.gov/live/ More
Issues: HealthMountaintop removalPollutionWater
Hoots and Hollers Bill Hughes May 14, 2015
Silica Dust: Trouble for Well Pad Workers, Neighbors
To unlock gas (consisting mostly of methane) in deep shale formations, a very deep well is drilled (depth varies depending on location and shale formation). Once a well is drilled, the hydraulic fracturing process (fracking) begins. For this process, thousands of tons of silica sand are mixed with millions of gallons of valuable water and added to thousands of gallon of fracturing chemical. This sand/water/chemical mixture is then pumped under very high pressure down the well casing, causing the tight shale to fracture. More
Issues: DEPEnergyFrackingHealthMarcellus ShalePollution
Hoots and Hollers OVEC May 13, 2015
Fracking’s Human Toll Extends to Well Workers
Acute silicosis, such as afflicted the Hawk’s Nest workers, is caused by heavy exposure to crystalline silica over a short time, and its incubation period is a matter of months. However, simple silicosis can remain latent for 10 years or more. Given the rapidly increasing ranks of well workers exposed — and many far over-exposed — to crystalline silica, that fact is truly frightening. If measures aren’t taken to protect these workers now, another enormous tragedy is likely lurking in our future. More
Issues: EnergyFrackingHealthMarcellus ShalePollution
Hoots and Hollers Dan May 7, 2015
Step Up: Fight Fracking Pipelines
Fracking pipelines! The tentacles of the gas industry reach across America and the globe, so we must all stand together and work together from different areas affected by the gas industry, and show solidarity to stop this harmful industry and work towards a real renewable future that is more beneficial to us all. We all live downstream. More
Issues: EnergyFrackingHealthPipelinesPollution
Action Alert Vivian Apr 2, 2015
Pipe Up, Come Out
Keep Your Foot Down: Contact the Governor. Thanks to everybody (around 200 of you!) who came out for The People's Foot: No More MTR Permits, held on March 16 at DEP headquarters in Charleston. Most of you probably read the news the next day: State announces review of studies linking mountaintop removal mining to illness More
Issues: CoalEnergyFaithFrackingHealthMarcellus ShaleMountaintop removalPipelinesPollutionRenewable energy
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Mar 29, 2015
FERC Hear This: Pipeline Risks to Rural Folks Too High
My home is approximately one mile from the Supply Header Pipeline. The proposed Mountain Valley Pipeline runs parallel to the Supply Header Project in our area. Why would we allow two pipelines so close to one another? At a meeting in Doddridge County, Dominion told us that the pipeline's blast zone radius will be 942 feet — everything 942 feet around any point of explosion along the pipeline will basically be gone/toast. Because of fracking-related activities, there already have been well fires, explosion, spills, leaks, well-water contamination and wrecks. Our roads have been destroyed by heavy truck traffic and full of drilling traffic — you take your life in your hands every time you get in your car. We are at risk now 24 hours a day every day of the year for this industry. Now, once again we are being asked to take on more of their risk. More
Issues: FrackingHealthMarcellus ShalePipelinesPollutionWV American Water
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Mar 23, 2015
Scope This: Comment to FERC on #Fracking Atlantic Coast Pipeline
We wanted to make sure you know about these FERC public scoping meetings on the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline: Tonight, Monday, March 23, 2015 at 7:00 PM. Elkins High School, 100 Kennedy Drive, Elkins, WV. Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at 7:00 PM. Bridgeport High School, 515 Johnson Avenue, Bridgeport, WV. More
Issues: HealthMarcellus ShalePipelinesRegulation
Press Release OVEC Mar 19, 2015
Rogersville Deep Shale Drilling Next for Our Area?
Fracking operators are queuing up to dive into the deep Rogersville Shale deposit, located beneath eastern Kentucky and parts of southern and west-central West Virginia. More
Issues: EnergyFrackingHealthMarcellus ShaleRogersville ShaleWV American Water
Hoots and Hollers Dianne Bady Mar 19, 2015
Rogersville Shale Info Sheet
Rogersville Shale map and some gleanings from Internet research. More
Issues: FrackingHealthMarcellus ShaleRogersville ShaleWater
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Mar 13, 2015
How Much Crude Lost from the WV Oil Train Explosion?
So, how much oil went up in flames after 19 of the oil train cars exploded? How much oil was excavated from the site where the cars exploded and was taken to a landfill near Charleston, WV? How much oil was pumped from the site and put into frac tanks and shipped off to be processed and "disposed" of? And how much oil spilled into Armstrong Creek and the Kanawha River? At least CSX should be able to say how much lost "product" there was exactly, and then estimates could be made as to how much of the rest went where. We have some answers, but many questions remain. More
Issues: FrackingHealthPollutionWater
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Mar 10, 2015
Defend Our Water: Urgent! Last Push – Calls Needed on Tank Bill
--Please, right away Tell Speaker Tim Armstead to not roll back water protections and reject SB 423 as-is. E-mail him at tim.armstead@wvhouse.gov or call 304-340-3210. If you can, hand deliver your comments to Speaker Armstead’s office, Room 228M at the State Capitol. You may see some like-minded, water-drinking friends there. More
Issues: Aboveground storage tanksClean electionsHealthMarcellus ShaleWaterWV Legislature
Mountaintop removal mining
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Mar 7, 2015
Synopsis: Association Between Residence Near Surface Coal Mining and Blood Inflammation
Main points: C-reactive protein in blood among mining community members is elevated for adults living near surface coal mines. Counts of ambient particulate matter are higher in mining communities. Self-reported health indicators are worse in mining communities. Overview Summary: Study Background: All participants were non-smokers and non-miners without acute illness. C-reactive protein (CRP) is an […] More
Issues: HealthMountaintop removal
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Mar 5, 2015
SB 423: Jailing Those Who Tells Us What’s in Those Tanks?
Check out pages 28 and 29, and the Orwellian-named section §22-30-14 of SB 423: Gutting the Aboveground Storage Tank Bill. More
Issues: Aboveground storage tanksClean electionsHealthRegulationSocial justiceWaterWV American WaterWV Legislature
Earth Quaker Action Team
Press Release OVEC Mar 2, 2015
Quakers Force PNC Bank to End Investment in Mountaintop Removal
Bowing to pressure from Quaker environmentalists, yesterday PNC Bank announced that it will be restricting financing of mountaintop removal coal mining in Appalachia. The shift outlined in its 2015 Corporate Responsibility Report means PNC Bank will effectively cease its investment in this controversial practice. More
Issues: FaithHealthMountaintop removal
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Feb 25, 2015
Rogersville Shale: Next for West Virginia?
The Rogersville Shale lies under much of Eastern Kentucky and extends into West Virginia. Be on the lookout for gas company landmen! Do not sign a lease without checking with a lawyer knowledgeable on oil and gas issues. More
Issues: HealthMarcellus ShaleRogersville Shale
fracking waste
Press Release OVEC Feb 18, 2015
Multistate Groups Demand Coast Guard Action to Protect Ohio River
Citing serious public health and safety concerns, environmental and community groups opposed to barging of fracking waste sent a letter to the U.S. Coast Guard requesting that the agency immediately initiate investigative action related to GreenHunter, LLC to determine the true contents of waste that GreenHunter, LLC may be transporting by barge on inland waterways, including the Ohio River and the Mississippi River, both, sources of drinking water for millions of people. More
Issues: FrackingHealthWater
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