Hoots and Hollers, the OVEC Blog

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Hoots and Hollers Vivian Jul 2, 2014
Art and Music Fun(d)raiser July 3
Are you AWARE that you can have some fun tomorrow night while raising funds for local environmental justice groups? AWARE is Artists Working in Alliance to Restore the Environment. More
Issues: Climate changeMusicSocial justiceWater
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Jun 28, 2014
Duke Offering Free Well Water Testing in So. WV
Hey people of central and southern West Virginia. If you live in the Kanawha, Boone, Lincoln, Logan, Raleigh, Mingo, or Fayette county and have concerns about the quality of your well water, you may be eligible for free well water testing by Duke University. Call 866-264-7891. More
Issues: Water
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Jun 18, 2014
Music to Move You to Save Mountains
Madonna’s Music may be about people coming together to party, but I do think music can move and motivate the masses to take more beneficial actions (not that we don’t need some fun in our lives), such as, for example, working to end mountaintop removal coal mining. More
Issues: Music
Hoots and Hollers Janet Keating May 30, 2014
Migwetch! Sharon Day and Barb Baker-larush Complete the Nibi Walk for the Ohio River!
981 miles of steps for the Ohio River during the Ohio River Nibi walk! They did it! Thank you, Ojibwe women, Sharon Day and Barb Baker-larush for every loving step you took with each step a healing prayer! More
Issues: FaithWater
Hoots and Hollers Vivian May 27, 2014
Custom Guitars: Fire Sale for OVEC
We had a house fire on November 13, 2013. A number of guitars I had stored in the basement (in closed cases on metal shelving) were damaged, but repairable. Anyone interested in buying one (or more) of these guitars, please e-mail vivian@ohvec.org and I’ll pass your contact information along. More
Issues: Mountaintop removal
Hoots and Hollers Vivian May 27, 2014
Save Mountains, Then Dance: MJS Camp and Supermoon Festival
Mountain Justice Summer Camp and Supermoon Music Festival, June 14-22 on top of Pine Mountain in eastern Kentucky. The 10th Annual Mountain Justice Summer Camp is scheduled for June 14-22 on top of beautiful Pine Mountain in eastern Kentucky near Whitesburg. Registration for the summer camp is now live and everyone concerned about the future of Appalachia’s forests, water systems and mountains is invited! The low-cost registration includes all meals, tent camping and workshops and activities for the week. More
Issues: HealthMountaintop removal
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Apr 22, 2014
Nibi is Life – Ohio River Walk 2014 Underway
OVEC members and supporters and all Friends of Water are urged to support the Ohio River Walk 2014. More
Issues: HealthPollutionSocial justiceWater
Hoots and Hollers Dan Apr 7, 2014
Latest Supreme Court Ruling: Constitutional Amendment Could Fix this Mess
Another disappointing ruling came down from the the U.S. Supreme Court under Chief Justice Roberts lastweek, in which Big Money scored a major victory against average citizens. In McCutcheon v. FEC, the court struck down contribution limits for what one individual can contribute to political campaigns and party committees during an election cycle. More
Issues: Clean electionsSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Apr 6, 2014
Episode 1: Years of Living Dangerously
On April 13 at 10 p.m. (Eastern), a new series premiers on the Showtime channel. But you can watch the series premier right here, right now. From the damage wrought by Hurricane Sandy to the upheaval caused by drought in the Middle East, this documentary series provides first-hand reports on those affected by and seeking solutions to climate change More
Issues: Climate changeMountaintop removal
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Apr 4, 2014
Video Released in Response to Blankenship Film
Video interview with sister of a coal miner killed at Upper Big Branch released in response to “Upper Big Branch: Never Again,” a “documentary” funded by former Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship More
Issues: CoalSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Apr 4, 2014
Music to Move a Movement
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Issues: Mountaintop removalMusicWater
Gainesville loves mountains
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Apr 4, 2014
Take Action: Help Gainesville Off MTR-Coal
On April 17, Gainesville City Commissioner Lauren Poe will direct City staff to take the initial steps to formally end GRU's relationship with strip-mined coal from Appalachia. You can read more details on our website, but here's how you can help us win: More
Issues: CoalMountaintop removal
Water crisis
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Apr 2, 2014
Volunteers Needed for Phone Survey on Water Crisis
The Kanawha-Charleston Health Department (KCHD) is working with their University partners to conduct a scientific study related to the West Virginia chemical spill. KCHD needs your help to conduct a phone survey. Volunteers may report at the KCHD at 9 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday, April 5 and 6. More
Issues: MCHMWV American Water
Women have something to say about water
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Apr 2, 2014
Hey Women! Got Something To Say on Water Crisis?
Over the next two weeks, the Women and Water Campaign will host two “Women and Water Listening Sessions.” These sessions, happening on the heels of the WV Testing Assessment Project (WVTAP) Health Expert Panel and the recent debacle surrounding the dumping of MCHM in the Hurricane landfill More
Issues: HealthMCHMSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Apr 1, 2014
No Más MTR en Laciana-León
In March, OVEC issue organizer Maria Gunnoe, who is the winner of the 2009 Goldman Environmental Prize for North America, the 2012 Wallenberg Medal and assorted other awards, received a message on Facebook from Victor Rodriguez. More
Issues: Mountaintop removalSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Feb 6, 2014
Farewell Sid
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Issues: Mountaintop removal
Coal wants us out
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Feb 5, 2014
Coal Industry Would Like To Push & Poison Us Out of Here
When I first read this document 12 years ago, it infuriated me. Starting on page 13, the essay includes points that amount to a depopulation plan for southern West Virginia. I think it infuriates me even more now, after everything that’s happened since then. The latest: the January 9 “leak” into the Elk River of 10,000 gallons of a chemical used in coal prep plants from an uninspected,decrepit tank farm and the subsequent poisoning of the water supply of about 300,000 West Virginians, a water crisis that is still unfolding today, nearly a month later. More
Issues: MCHMMountaintop removalSocial justiceWater
Hoots and Hollers Kerry Chad Albright Feb 4, 2014
Thoughts on the Chemical / Water Crisis from the Buffalo Creek Miracle Baby
This is possibly the slowest holocaust In history. It's actually quite brilliant. They've managed to put the gas chambers directly in your house. The best way to hide a chamber is by placing it in plain sight. We all know that from the hidden government bunkers at The Greenbrier Hotel. Unfortunately the site this time is your own home. More
Issues: CoalHealth
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Feb 4, 2014
McEntee’s Comments @ SB373 Public Hearing
On February 3, the WV Legislature held a public hearing on SB 373, a bill crafted in response to the MCHM chemical / water crisis still unfolding here in Central West Virginia. Below are the comments from one of the 50 people who spoke last night. More
Issues: HealthMCHMWaterWV American Water
Hoots and Hollers Janet Keating Jan 31, 2014
Remembering Elinore Taylor
I can’t remember a time when Elinore Taylor wasn’t associated with OVEC. If you go to our website and type in her name, you will find page after page of results. Elinore was everywhere present in OVEC’s activities and organizational development. Hers was a welcoming smile at board meetings, protests, and public hearings including events that she initiated. Behind that warm smile was not only a friendly, caring woman, but also a dedicated, determined defender of “the least of these, my brethren.” More
Issues: Clean electionsFaithMountaintop removalSocial justice
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