Tag: Climate change

196 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Hoots and Hollers OVEC Nov 27, 2017
People of Faith Care for Creation: WVIPL and the Clean Power Plan
We members of the WV Interfaith Power and Light Steering Committee seek to build a coalition of faith-based voices throughout our beautiful state, who will actively engage in the work of preserving the clean air, water and over-all environment on which all life depends.  Therefore, we oppose Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt’s recent proposal to repeal the Clean Power Plan. More
Issues: Climate changePollutionRenewable energySocial justice
Action Alert Vivian Nov 14, 2017
Comment on the Trump Administration’s Proposed Repeal of the Clean Power Plan
Comment on the Trump Administration's proposed repeal of the Clean Power Plan. More
Issues: Climate changeCoalMountaintop removal
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Nov 10, 2017
Register Now: Hearing on Proposed Clean Power Plan Repeal in Charleston; Deadline to Register Nov. 16
You have from now until Nov. 16 to register to comment at the Charleston, WV hearing on the EPA's proposed repel of the Clean Power Plan. Turn out, speak up, as if the futures depend on it! More
Issues: Climate changeCoalEPAHealth
Action Alert Vivian Oct 7, 2017
Our Annual Picnic is October 7; We Hope You Can Join Us
It's today, Saturday October 7. Come on out for our annual member and supporter picnic—30th anniversary edition! There's no need to bring a dish, as OVEC is providing lunch.  More
Issues: Climate changeMountaintop removalPipelinesSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers Randi Pokladnik Oct 5, 2017
The Outdoor Sports Community Sees the Effects of Climate Instability
Hunters and anglers can lead the battle to slow down the effects of climate change in the same way they lead the nation in the development of laws for wildlife management and conservation our natural resources. More
Issues: Climate change
Newsletter OVEC Sep 18, 2017
Winds of Change, Fall 2017
For the past four years, OVEC has partnered with the Huntington Boys and Girls Club on Project Plant, teaching kids to grow organic vegetables and to prepare and eat healthy food. And many more articles on MTR, fracking, pipelines, health etc. More
Issues: Climate changeFrackingHealthMountaintop removalPipelinesPollutionSustainability
Action Alert Vivian Sep 13, 2017
Take Part In September Events Near and Far; What Is the Appalachian Storage Hub Pipe Dream?
Coming up: Our monthly membership meeting, the 30th anniversary edition of our annual picnic, a FERC protest, and more. Plus info about the pipe dream/nightmare that is the proposed Appalachian Storage Hub: OVEC's September 2017 action alert. More
Issues: Climate changeFrackingHealthMountaintop removalPipelines
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Aug 30, 2017
It’s Not a Done Deal: Say “No!” to Appalachian Storage Hub – Part 5
Read Part 1 here. Read Part 2 here. Read Part 3 here. Read Part 4 here. Enough with the fossil fuel barons. It's our future; our time for a better choice. More
Issues: Appalachian Storage HubClimate changeFrackingHealthMountaintop removalPipelinesPollution
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Aug 30, 2017
It’s Not a Done Deal: Say “No!” to Appalachian Storage Hub – Part 4
Read Part 1 here.  Read Part 2 here. Read Part 3 here. Appalachian Gas Storage Hub would turn us into Cancer Alley Two, and MTR-laden WV already has far too many health problems! Say no! More
Issues: Climate changeFrackingHealthMountaintop removalPipelinesPollution
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Aug 30, 2017
It’s Not a Done Deal: Say “No!” to Appalachian Storage Hub – Part 3
Read Part 1 here.  Read Part 2 here. A Conference on Your Future, Held Without You More
Issues: Climate changeFrackingHealthPipelinesPollution
Hoots and Hollers Robin Blakeman Jul 7, 2017
Spiritual Convergence in the Time of Climate Change
I heard these wise words from Standing Rock leader Cheryl Angel at a recent conference, Ministry in the Time of Climate Change. This amazing event was organized and hosted in NYC by the Center for Earth Ethics and Climate Reality; it was more of a convergence than a conference. More
Issues: Climate changeFaithSocial justice
Newsletter OVEC Jun 9, 2017
Winds of Change, Summer 2017
The Peoples Climate Movement says about 150,000 people attended the Peoples Climate March on the White House on Saturday, April 29—Donald Trump’s 100th day in office. More
Issues: Climate changeFrackingMarcellus ShaleMountaintop removalPipelinesPollution
Action Alert Vivian Jun 9, 2017
Call Congress Today on Climate, Comment on MTR and Human Health, Upcoming Events
If you are discouraged by the thumbs-up West Virginia's Congressional Delegation has given to Trump's decision to pull out of the Paris Climate Accord, call them to let them know how you feel.  More
Issues: Climate changeFrackingHealthMountaintop removal
Hoots and Hollers Janet Keating Jun 6, 2017
New Day & New Time! MU Native American Student Organization Invites OVEC and others to a Water Ceremony, June 9
The MU University Native American Student Organization (MU-NASO) will lead a Water Ceremony (blessing of the Ohio River) this Friday, June 9, 2017. Please join them, OVEC and others in a collaboration for this year's Global Earth Exchange, a project of Radical Joy for Hard Times. More
Issues: Climate changePollutionWater
GalleryHoots and Hollers Vivian May 11, 2017
May 10: Aerial View of Location for C-SPAN May 9 Washington Journal Show on Coal
On May 9, C-SPAN's Washington Journal program focused on coal, on location Several of us were on a location that C-SPAN had selected, outside, at a Powhatan Point, OH, Murray Energy facility along the Ohio River. Here are some May 10 aerial shots of that location. More
Issues: Climate changeCoalEnergyMountaintop removal
Action Alert Vivian May 8, 2017
May 9 and Beyond: Actions You Can Take No Matter Where You Are
May 9 is one busy day: 853 acre MTR site? No! Pack the hearing room. Fracking waste in Fayette County? No! Come to the courthouse. OVEC on C SPAN live! Showing of Blood on the Mountain. And then there's more in this OVEC Action Alert. More
Issues: Climate changeEPAFrackingMountaintop removalRenewable energy
Action Alert Vivian Apr 21, 2017
Earth Day & Beyond: Actions & Events, Including Peoples Climate March Huntington
Comments are due by April 24 on the draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) for the proposed Mountaineer Xpress Pipeline (MXP). Find info on how you can comment. More
Issues: Climate changeFrackingMountaintop removalPipelines
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Apr 17, 2017
Join Us at Peoples Climate March in Huntington, or at the Location Nearest You
April 29: Join us for the Peoples Climate March Huntington, WV. Together, we will #resist. #WhyIMarch peoplesclimate.org More
Issues: Climate change
Press Release OVEC Apr 15, 2017
Peoples Climate March Sister Rally and March in Huntington, WV
Family friendly activities, speakers, music, information on local, regional, national, and global climate issues. Come out to Heritage Station and join in the march around the downtown area. Come celebrate your love for Huntington, the Ohio River, and the Earth! More
Issues: Climate change
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