Tell FERC its Mountaineer Xpress Pipeline DEIS Stinks: Deadline to Comment April 24
Comments are due by April 24 on the draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) for the proposed Mountaineer Xpress Pipeline (MXP). Find info on how you can comment here. Find out just some of the reasons why you should comment by checking out the #Fracking #Pipelines in Your Neighborhood series of blogs.
The DEIS, prepared by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), attempts to present FERC’s idealistic picture of what might happen during construction over the length of the pipeline.
This collection of photographs in the blog series by Bill Hughes, show what actually did occur, during real time, in Wetzel County, during the 11-month-long (January – November 2016) construction of the FERC-approved 30-inch Ohio Valley Connector pipeline (“reclamation” yet to be completed). This particular project is “only” 30+ miles long and the pipeline laid was a smaller diameter. MXP is proposed to include about 165 miles of new 36-inch diameter pipeline, three new compressor stations, plus changes to existing pipelines and existing pipelines.
The blog series details the community and environmental impacts and inconveniences which were actually experienced by local residents.
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Tell EPA to Protect Appalachian Communities and Streams from Mining Pollution: Deadline April 24
The EPA is accepting comments on its Draft Field-Based Methods for Developing Aquatic Life Criteria for Specific Conductivity, a document that provides guidance to states on determining appropriate levels of conductivity, an indicator of water pollution.
The agency has already determined the appropriate level of conductivity to protect aquatic ecosystems in Central Appalachia. But conductivity levels near mines are typically twice as high and can be more than 10 times as high that limit. Conductivity pollution from mountaintop removal mines harms aquatic ecosystems, and the associated water pollution, air pollution and blasting harm nearby communities. These destructive practices will continue until the EPA steps in.
Currently, no Central Appalachian state limits the levels of conductivity coal companies can discharge from mines. EPA should finalize its methodology and then begin a rulemaking process. Without a rulemaking, it is unlikely that coal companies will ever have to limit conductivity to protect water quality or aquatic life.
Tell the EPA to finalize its methodology and begin a rulemaking process for conductivity pollution. Click here to comment.
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Marcellus Shale Play Friday and Saturday
8 p.m. tonight, Friday, April 21 and tomorrow, Saturday, April 22: Come out for the play Marcellus Shale at the Alban Arts and Conference Center in St. Albans, WV.
The play with music is produced in partnership with Talking Band, an acclaimed New York theater company. It’s based on the experiences of a rural, upstate New York community, which confronts important questions as fracking transforms the landscape and divides family and friends. The play has been adapted to apply to what West Virginians are experiencing.
Ticket are $15 for adults, $10 for seniors or students. Proceeds benefit OVEC and WV Virginia Surface Owners’ Rights Organization. Find more details here and join the event on Facebook here.
Noon, Saturday, April 22: End of the Line: The True Story of the Bluegrass Pipeline screened at Alban Arts Center. Find more details here and join the event on Facebook here.
Also Saturday: March for Science Huntington, WV
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April 28-30: OVEC’s 30th Birthday Bash!
April 28: Treehuggers’ Ball, ya’ll! Bands, picnic, birthday cake, silent auction, special edition t-shirts, good folks and good fun! Get the details here.
April 29: Join millions worldwide in standing up for Planet Earth! Peoples Climate March Sister Rally and March in Huntington. Details here.
April 30: Join experienced guides for a bird watching hike at Greenbottom Wildlife Management Area. Details here.
Help spread the word: On Facebook, join Treehuggers’ Ball and Peoples Climate March Huntington, and invite friends.
You could also download, print and post the fliers below (click them to open larger versions): 
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In This Alert
Tell FERC its Mountaineer Xpress Pipeline DEIS Stinks
Tell EPA to Protect Appalachian Communities and Streams from Mining Pollution
Marcellus Shale Play
Friday and Saturday
April 28-30: OVEC’s
30th Birthday Bash: Treehuggers’ Ball, Peoples Climate March Huntington
Protect Our Communities and
Streams: Comment to EPA Now Bill McKibben:
