Tag: Fracking

310 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Hoots and Hollers OVEC Feb 17, 2016
Fayette County: Ask for Public Meeting on Compressor Station Air Permit
Written comments or requests for a public meeting must be received by the DAQ before 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 24, 2016. A public meeting may be held if the Director of the DAQ determines that significant public interest has been expressed, in writing, or when the Director deems it appropriate. More
Issues: FrackingPipelinesPollution
Action Alert Vivian Feb 9, 2016
Take Action for Your Rights, Your Water, Your Future
Take Action on SB 508, Take Action on SB 408, Power+ to the People, Join Us Today @2 p.m. in the Lower Rotunda of the State Capitol More
Issues: Clean electionsFrackingWater
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Feb 8, 2016
Call Now! SB 508 Takes Away Citizens’ Right to Sue Over Drilling Impacts
SB 508 undermines the law hundreds of West Virginians have used to file suit against the oil and gas companies whose activities have negatively affected their quality and way of life, making it virtually impossible for other affected residents to bring similar suits in the future. Bringing this type of legal action is the only recourse many people have. We can't let the Legislature take this right away. Please contact members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and your Senators and tell them to oppose SB 508 and preserve our right to bring nuisance suits. More
Issues: FrackingMarcellus ShaleSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Feb 5, 2016
Trap Hill Public Comment Period Open Until February 8
A message from Friends of Water: Friends, within 48 hours of the toxic injection well waste ban passing in Fayette County, a public comment period opened for a permit renewal on a Trap Hill/ Raleigh County toxic waste dump. Fayette County passed the ban based on both high levels of radioactive radium 226 and radium […] More
Issues: FrackingPollutionSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Feb 5, 2016
Fact Sheet: What the Frack is Going On in Putnam County?
Folks in Putnam County might want to know that our neighbors in north central West Virginia have experienced an assault on their land, air, water, health and way of life with the rapid rise and expansion of fracking, waste disposal and associated infrastructure. More
Issues: FrackingMarcellus ShalePipelinesRogersville Shale
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Feb 2, 2016
Environmental Songwriting Contest With Cash Prizes
This contest is now closed! May 10 update: Find the contest rules and prize information here. Attention singers, songwriters and players of instruments: Got eco-lyrics? Get ‘em out there! Take part in an environmental songwriting contest, which will officially begin this April/May, complete with cash prizes. OVEC is one of the groups contributing prize money. […] More
Issues: FrackingMountaintop removalMusic
Hoots and Hollers Bill Hughes Jan 27, 2016
Push for Pipelines – Part 5
Below is Push for Pipelines – Part 5. Read Part 1 here, Part 2 here, Part 3 here and Part 4 here. Lessons to Be Learned Given the many proposed large diameter and very long pipelines and the broad impact they will have, it seems useful to examine how these errors can happen. We need to ask: Are […] More
Issues: FrackingMarcellus ShalePipelines
Hoots and Hollers Bill Hughes Jan 26, 2016
Push for Pipelines – Part 4
Below is Push for Pipelines – Part 4. Read Part 1 here, Part 2 here and Part 3 here. What Happened and How I think it is safe to say that, in light of my well-known activism in documenting all things Marcellus, I am not your average Wetzel County surface owner. I have more than 10,000 photos of […] More
Issues: FrackingMarcellus ShalePipelines
Hoots and Hollers Bill Hughes Jan 26, 2016
Surveyor Signs and Symbols
If you’ve been reading the Push for Pipelines series of blogs, you’ve come across the call to “Learn More” about surveyor signs and symbols. Here you go: It is not easy to interpret everything that surveyors leave behind, so here’s a simplified description of a variety of markings that are used by surveyors. The three most commonly […] More
Issues: FrackingPipelines
Hoots and Hollers Bill Hughes Jan 26, 2016
Push for Pipelines – Part 3
Below is Push for Pipelines – Part 3. Read Part 1 here and Part 2 here.  A Word On Surveyors Most folks can relate to the work and responsibility of bookkeepers or certified public accountants. (CPAs). They measure and keep track of money. And their balance sheets and ledgers actually have to, well, balance. And they […] More
Issues: FrackingPipelines
Hoots and Hollers Bill Hughes Jan 25, 2016
Push for Pipelines – Part 2
Below is Push for Pipelines – Part 2. Read Part 1 here. How did we get to this point? Let’s review our first contact with the land agent representing EQT. In February of 2014, the EQT land agent asked my wife and I for permission to walk our property for a preliminary evaluation of a possible route […] More
Issues: FrackingPipelines
Hoots and Hollers Bill Hughes Jan 25, 2016
Push for Pipelines – Part 1
For anyone who has even casually followed Marcellus and Utica shale gas exploration and production, here in the active gas fields of West Virginia or south-western Pennsylvania or Ohio, you know there are many concerns surrounding the complete natural gas production process, such as air pollution, water consumption and contamination, waste disposal, heavy big rig […] More
Issues: FrackingPipelines
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Jan 25, 2016
Dig Out for E-Day Tuesday, Jan. 26
Tomorrow, Tuesday, January 26, is WV Environmental Council’s annual E-Day at the WV State Capitol. Load of WV environmental groups will have informational tables under the Golden Dome. You know OVEC will be there! Dig out from the weekend winter storm and come connect with folks working on environmental issues in West Virginia. Learn about the […] More
Issues: Aboveground storage tanksCoalFrackingHealthMountaintop removal
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Jan 21, 2016
Comment Today on Trap Hill UIC: No Frack Waste Underground Injection
The Beckley Register-Herald reports: “A Department of Environmental Protection permit application renewal for an underground injection control well used to dispose of oil and natural gas waste in the Trap Hill area of Raleigh County is open for public comment through Jan. 21.” More details on the UIC here. Note that the commissioners of neighboring Fayette County banned […] More
Issues: FrackingPollutionSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Jan 19, 2016
Take Action: Support Fayette County O&G Waste Disposal Ban
This blog is adapted from an e-mail sent out by members of POWHR, a coalition of groups working to oppose the onslaught of pipelines proposed for West Virginia and Virginia. POWHR – Protecting Our Water, Heritage, Rights EQT has brought a lawsuit against Fayette, the first county in West Virginia to pass an ordinance to ban […] More
Issues: FrackingMarcellus ShalePollutionRogersville Shale
Press Release OVEC Jan 14, 2016
Shale and Pipelines: What the Frack is Going On in Putnam County?
Our neighbors up north have experienced an assault on their land, air, water, health and way of life with the rapid rise and expansion of unconventional deep shale oil and gas drilling, waste disposal and associated infrastructure. Come meet your neighbors and discuss these issues. More
Issues: FrackingMarcellus ShalePipelinesRogersville Shale
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Jan 13, 2016
Become a Citizen Advocate: Make a Difference on Your Issues
Come learn how to be a citizen advocate. Why? Because change only happens because of people who care. Plus, this free training comes with free snacks. You might be too cynical to believe it, but legislators really do respond when people come to talk to them about their issues: While the above chart is about […] More
Issues: FrackingMountaintop removalPipelinesPollutionSocial justiceTransition economy
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Jan 7, 2016
What, Me Lobby? Learn How: Advocacy Trainings
This month, with the legislative session right around the corner, several WV groups are co-hosting a series of advocacy trainings across the state. We sure hope OVEC members and supporters will take advantage of these trainings. Current sponsors of the all or some of the trainings include WV Rivers Coalition, WV FREE, WV CAG, WV E-Council […] More
Issues: FrackingHealthMarcellus ShaleMountaintop removalRenewable energyRogersville ShaleSocial justiceTransition economy
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Jan 7, 2016
Fayette County to Enact Ban on Oil & Gas Waste Disposal
A most-excellent call-to-action from Headwaters Defense: On Tuesday, January 12, Fayette County will become the first county in West Virginia to enact a ban on oil and gas waste disposal. This is the culmination of many months of hard work by members of Headwaters Defense and citizens of Fayette County. Collectively, we have obtained 5,000 petition signatures, pressured the County […] More
Issues: FrackingWater
This shot was taken by a photographer with the Huntington newspaper. Used with permission.
Action Alert Vivian Dec 28, 2015
2015 Recap and a Look Ahead; End of Year Appeal
As 2015 draws to a close, many of us are inclined to reflect on the successes and challenges the year brought. More
Issues: FrackingMarcellus ShaleMountaintop removalRogersville ShaleSocial justice
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