Hoots and Hollers, the OVEC Blog

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Hoots and Hollers Dianne Bady Mar 19, 2015
Rogersville Shale Info Sheet
Rogersville Shale map and some gleanings from Internet research. More
Issues: FrackingHealthMarcellus ShaleRogersville ShaleWater
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Mar 13, 2015
How Much Crude Lost from the WV Oil Train Explosion?
So, how much oil went up in flames after 19 of the oil train cars exploded? How much oil was excavated from the site where the cars exploded and was taken to a landfill near Charleston, WV? How much oil was pumped from the site and put into frac tanks and shipped off to be processed and "disposed" of? And how much oil spilled into Armstrong Creek and the Kanawha River? At least CSX should be able to say how much lost "product" there was exactly, and then estimates could be made as to how much of the rest went where. We have some answers, but many questions remain. More
Issues: FrackingHealthPollutionWater
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Mar 10, 2015
Defend Our Water: Urgent! Last Push – Calls Needed on Tank Bill
--Please, right away Tell Speaker Tim Armstead to not roll back water protections and reject SB 423 as-is. E-mail him at tim.armstead@wvhouse.gov or call 304-340-3210. If you can, hand deliver your comments to Speaker Armstead’s office, Room 228M at the State Capitol. You may see some like-minded, water-drinking friends there. More
Issues: Aboveground storage tanksClean electionsHealthMarcellus ShaleWaterWV Legislature
Mountaintop removal mining
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Mar 7, 2015
Synopsis: Association Between Residence Near Surface Coal Mining and Blood Inflammation
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Issues: HealthMountaintop removal
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Mar 5, 2015
SB 423: Jailing Those Who Tells Us What’s in Those Tanks?
Check out pages 28 and 29, and the Orwellian-named section §22-30-14 of SB 423: Gutting the Aboveground Storage Tank Bill. More
Issues: Aboveground storage tanksClean electionsHealthRegulationSocial justiceWaterWV American WaterWV Legislature
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Mar 4, 2015
Support Clean Water, Come Out: Tank Bill Public Hearing Friday
We urgently need water drinkers to come out to a public hearing on this bill set for Friday, March 6 at 8:30 a.m. in the WV House Chamber. Either come to comment or come to support those who are commenting for clean water. More
Issues: Aboveground storage tanksClean electionsCoalMarcellus ShaleMountaintop removalPollutionWV Legislature
Hoots and Hollers Kerry Chad Albright Feb 26, 2015
Kerry Chad Albright: Creek Respect
The miracle baby of Buffalo Creek, Kerry Chad Albright, pays respect to the waters of life on this anniversary of the terrible incident. More
Issues: CoalWater
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Feb 25, 2015
Rogersville Shale: Next for West Virginia?
The Rogersville Shale lies under much of Eastern Kentucky and extends into West Virginia. Be on the lookout for gas company landmen! Do not sign a lease without checking with a lawyer knowledgeable on oil and gas issues. More
Issues: HealthMarcellus ShaleRogersville Shale
Hoots and Hollers Janet Keating Feb 17, 2015
Exploding Bakken Crude: People Evacuated. Crude in River?
West Virginia’s over-reliance on dirty, dangerous fossil fuels guarantees more disasters, more toxic pollution of our precious, vital water resources, increases to on-going threats to public health and safety, and threatens the very future of planet Earth due to climate disruption. This is beyond common sense when clean, renewable solar and wind energy are off-the-shelf technology becoming increasingly more competitive with coal, gas and oil with the added benefits of thousands of new jobs along with greater safety for the public. More
Issues: EnergyMarcellus ShalePollutionWater
Hoots and Hollers Janet Keating Feb 15, 2015
Sample Comments on AboveGround Storage Tank Bill
If you need some inspiration to draft your own note to send the committee considering the Aboveground Storage Tank Act , here's a sample letter, as well as e-mail addresses for the committee. More
Issues: Aboveground storage tanksCoalHealthMarcellus ShaleWaterWV American WaterWV Legislature
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Feb 15, 2015
Defend Our Drinking Water: Public Hearing 8:30 a.m. Monday
Massive thanks to WV Rivers Coalition for this action alert, which has all the details you need to attend public hearing on HB 2289, to reclassify the Kanawha River to be protected as a drinking water supply (Category A), set for 8:30 a.m., tomorrow Monday, Feb. 16. The weather forecast is not the greatest, so we really need folks already in the Charleston area to show up if at all possible. More
Issues: Aboveground storage tanksCoalHealthWaterWV American Water
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Feb 9, 2015
Speaking Up About HB 2566
HB 2566, the Coal Jobs and Safety Act of 2015 is a 59 page bill. You would think from the title that this is a positive bill that creates new job opportunities and a safer working environment for coal miners. Nothing could be further from the truth. More
Issues: CoalHealthMountaintop removalPollutionSocial justiceWater
Hoots and Hollers Robin Blakeman Feb 3, 2015
Defend Our Water: Save SB 373!
It took intense citizen pressure to pass SB 373, and we need to build that pressure again to preserve the improvements to water regulation gained in that bill. Act fast because this bill (HB 2574) seems fast tracked, with only one committee reference (House Judiciary). More
Issues: Aboveground storage tanksCoalHealthMarcellus ShaleMCHMPollutionSocial justiceWaterWV American Water
OVEC supports clean water
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Feb 2, 2015
On Now: NAACP Day at WV Capitol
Solar energy helps promote equality. We need just energy policies. Come out today. More
Issues: Clean electionsClimate changeCoalEnergy efficiencyRacial inequalitySocial justice
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Jan 30, 2015
Monday: Attend Public Hearing on Bill That Hurts Renewable Energy
Stand up for renewable energy and energy efficiency. We need you to attend the hearing and publicly speak out in opposition to HB 2004. Come out Monday! More
Issues: Climate changeEnergyEnergy efficiencyEPAPollutionRenewable energy
Hoots and Hollers Robin Blakeman Jan 24, 2015
Wise Woman Speaks on the Waters that Unite Us
Our leaders are in session this month. Take a stand. Make your voice heard! Start today! March and unite! Our nation was founded on the premise “by the people, for the people.” Remind our leaders that they work for us and demand they start working on a solution. Appalachians have always been strong and our ancestors fought many labor struggles and won! I haven’t given up on us. Our children are depending on us to do the right thing. More
Issues: FrackingHealthMarcellus ShaleMountaintop removalPollutionSocial justiceWater
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Jan 21, 2015
Hog Slurry Lagoons New “Future” for Old MTR Sites? Hog Wash!
Helmick says another thing that government officials have avoided saying out loud: MTR mining activity makes places remote. From our experience, that's because people have been driven away by the approaching mining. Helmick likely overstated himself and knows that there are some people and communities still near some MTR sites, but the folks living near MTR sites are far more likely to be unhealthy and facing early death than people who don't live near MTR sites. More
Issues: Mountaintop removalPollutionSocial justiceWV American Water
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Jan 15, 2015
Come Out for Martin Luther King Jr. Day in Huntington
In Huntington, WV, OVEC will again team up to march with the Cabell-Wayne Branch of the NAACP. We assemble at 4:30 p.m. at the 16th Street Baptist Church at Elm Street and 9th Avenue in Huntington. At 4:45 p.m. we march to the Joan C. Edwards Theater (Marshall University Campus),where starting at 5:30 p.m., events include a recitation of Dr. King’s “I have a dream” speech. More
Issues: FaithRacial inequalitySocial justice
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Jan 15, 2015
Water Unites Us: Rally for Clean Water Statewide
Hey West Virginia! Got fracking? Got mountaintop removal? Got acid mine drainage? Got oil & gas? Got chemical spills? Got sludge "ponds"? Got underground slurry injection? Got conductivity? Got selenium pollution? Got buried streams? Got to stand up for clean water! Come out Saturday, January 17 for a training and a rally for clean water, more events in January: A Month of Water in Charleston, WV More
Issues: CoalFrackingHealthMarcellus ShaleMountaintop removalPollutionSocial justiceWaterWV American Water
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