Tag: Pollution

266 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Newsletter OVEC Sep 23, 2014
Winds of Change, Fall 2014
A landmark June decision of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia found that high conductivity from mountaintop removal mines owned by Alex Energy and Elk Run Coal Company violates key clean-water protections. More
Issues: EnergyMountaintop removalPollutionSocial justiceWater
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Apr 22, 2014
Nibi is Life – Ohio River Walk 2014 Underway
OVEC members and supporters and all Friends of Water are urged to support the Ohio River Walk 2014. More
Issues: HealthPollutionSocial justiceWater
Newsletter OVEC Mar 8, 2014
Winds of Change, March 2014
Don’t drink the water. Don’t shower. Don’t cook with it or wash your clothes. There’s half a century gone. Gone most of us who went to Elk Grade School, gone, too. Gone the white frame homes, the small brick duplexes, the school we marched to for our polio shots. Gone the quick-tongued streams, gone the valleys, filled with mountaintop, gone from the fog-draped skyscape. It’s licorice scented air, not sun-dried cotton sheets, licorice wafting from the tap. More
Issues: EnergyFrackingHealthMountaintop removalPollutionWater
Newsletter OVEC Dec 1, 2013
Winds of Change, December 2013
Perhaps those buried in the Jarrell Family Cemetery can rest a little easier now. In August, family members of the deceased filed a lawsuit in Boone County Court aimed at repairing and protecting the cemetery from further desecration. More
Issues: Cemetery protectionCoalPollutionRenewable energyWater
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Dec 1, 2013
Call Gov. Tomblin: Free Roselle, Test MTR Dust
Climate Ground Zero Campaign Director Mike Roselle is in jail in West Virginia. He gathered a bucket-full of dust from a mountaintop removal coal mining site (dust that studies have shown to be toxic) and delivered it to the door of WV Governor Tomblin’ s mansion on Thanksgiving Day. More
Issues: Mountaintop removalPollution
Hoots and Hollers Betty Dotson-Lewis Nov 10, 2013
Black Lung Victims, Sacrificial Lambs of Coalfields
A Center for Public Integrity reporter, Chris Hamby, conducted a yearlong investigation into the failed Black Lung Benefit package awarded to disabled coalminers in 1969 legislation. ABC News and Nightline aired a form of this three-part series revealing startling, unethical measures used to help defeat the miner and his widow in their weakest hour. These methods, driven by money from coal companies, involve the biggest and oldest law firm in West Virginia, Jackson- Kelly and a renowned medical center, John Hopkins University. Actions by these revered groups were clandestine and protected by politician and policy. More
Issues: CoalHealthPollution
Fracking waste in our water
Hoots and Hollers Dan Nov 4, 2013
So THEY’RE the Ones Treating Fracking Waste Water….
Questions that I’ve been asking myself lately are, “Who are the companies that are treating the waste water from the fracking process? Who are the corporate players getting in on on this new and lucrative business due to the Marcellus Shale gas drilling boom?” You don’t hear much about these shadowy companies, and maybe for […] More
Issues: Marcellus ShalePollutionSocial justiceWater
Selenium Pollution
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Sep 5, 2013
Not the Kind of White Water that Attracts Tourists
20130905_untitled_0004-3 The clear-looking (but mining-impacted) West Fork joins the visible gunk in the Pond Fork, all heading downstream to rise of the Litte Coal River in Madison. Photo by Vivian Stockman OVEC organizer and Boone County, W.Va. resident Maria Gunnoe was taking a child to the school bus this morning when they both saw Pond Fork running white. The children waiting for the bus where very agitated, worried what this meant for the river. Maria worried what does this mean for thechildren… what does this latest incident mean for everyone who lives downstream, everyone subjected to ongoing, accumulating coal-related pollution More
Issues: CoalMountaintop removalPollutionWater
Newsletter OVEC Sep 3, 2013
Winds of Change, September 2013
On the lovely summer evening of July 26, about 80 OVEC members and supporters, many pictured above, gathered to picnic at Coonskin Park in Charleston, WV. We venture to say that everyone had fun, enjoying meeting friends old and new. Thanks to everyone who came out. More
Issues: DEPHealthMountaintop removalPollutionWater
Hoots and Hollers Dan Aug 13, 2013
Corporate Attacks Show Need for Economic Transition
From Southern West Virginia to Detroit, there is a corporate attack happening on working people’s pensions and benefits. While we hold out hope for a good settlement between the UMWA and Patriot Coal, there was no reason for this situation. Promises were made in exchange for hard work from these miners, and these promises should be […] More
Issues: Clean electionsCoalHealthPollutionSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Aug 5, 2013
ENERGY: Overdevelopment and the Delusion of Endless Growth
  Thanks to the Post Carbon Institute (PCI; like them on Facebook here), OVEC is in the midst of distributing more than 250 copies of the large-format book ENERGY: Overdevelopment and the Delusion of Endless Growth. Organizationally, OVEC has partnered with PCI in their Energy Reality Campaign, a national effort to increase energy literacy, with […] More
Issues: Climate changeCoalEnergy efficiencyHealthMarcellus ShaleMountaintop removalPollution
Newsletter OVEC Jun 3, 2013
Winds of Change, June 2013
Victory: Supreme Court Pilot Program Now Permanent! In 2012, Allen Loughry became the first and only candidate for state Supreme Court to take advantage of public financing of his campaign, using a pilot program established thanks to our WV Citizens for Clean Elections coalition. Remarkably, Loughry won the election, defeating the politically powerful Tish Chafin. More
Issues: Clean electionsFrackingMountaintop removalPollution
Hoots and Hollers Dustin White Apr 25, 2013
A Child’s World
     I stood behind the table watching the young girl study the images.  Her long dirty-blonde hair glistened in the sun and swayed in the chilly breeze.  She must have been around eleven or twelve.  She spoke softly to her younger brother.  He was about seven or eight but you could see his young […] More
Issues: CoalEPAHealthMountaintop removalPollutionSocial justiceWater
Newsletter OVEC Mar 21, 2013
Winds of Change, March 2013
We reached a legal agreement in November 2012, whereby Patriot Coal will immediately begin phasing out mountaintop removal and other large-scale surface mining. Patriot is the second-largest producer of surface-mined coal in West Virginia. More
Issues: Climate changeMountaintop removalPollutionRenewable energyWater
Hoots and Hollers Dustin White Mar 8, 2013
Call for the Streams and Health Today
2 p.m. update: HR2579 has passed in the House.  An identical bill, SB 472, will be considered by the Senate. Please call your senators to tell them not to support SB 472. HR2579 is being fast tracked in the West Virginia House of Delegates under the guise of “stream protection,” when in fact this bill […] More
Issues: CoalMountaintop removalPollutionWater
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Feb 14, 2013
#Forward on Climate ~ Fight Like Hell For the Living
Several OVEC members and staff are heading to Washington D.C. for the largest climate rally in history, happening this Sunday, February 17. If you can’t join us in person, please join the rally online. Hashtags in use for the rally include #forwardonclimate, #f17. With your tweets please include #(your zip code), so we get a […] More
Issues: Climate changeCoalEnergy efficiencyFaithHealthMountaintop removalPollution
Hoots and Hollers Janet Keating Feb 1, 2013
What Took You So Long?
OVEC’s Vivian Stockman and I took a tour of the beautiful, new Marsh Fork Elementary School during the open house January 4, and on January 18 a formal dedication was held. Not surprisingly, the media left out much of the back story. And politicians like Senator Joe Manchin didn’t utter a peep about all the […] More
Issues: CoalMountaintop removalPollution
Newsletter OVEC Dec 21, 2012
Winds of Change, December 2012
Over the 15 years that OVEC has been fighting mountaintop removal, we’ve heard members who live near MTR talk about their health concerns. Today, a growing number of peerreviewed, published scientific studies link living near mountaintop removal to higher rates of many illnesses including cancer, birth defects, and lung and cardiovascular disease, as well as to lower life expectancies. More
Issues: HealthMarcellus ShaleMountaintop removalPollutionWater
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Dec 6, 2012
ACHE Act: Please call Senator Rockefeller
Please call Senator Jay Rockefeller at 202-224-6472 to let him know that we all support his standing up to the coal industry. Let him know that this is an excellent time for him to talk about the very real health impacts of mountaintop removal coal mining on every generation of people, past, present and future.  Ask […] More
Issues: CoalMountaintop removalPollution
Hoots and Hollers Janet Keating Oct 30, 2012
OVEC Celebrates 25 Years of Organized Voices and Empowered Communities!
Wow! Happy 25th Birthday OVEC!   Who would have thought that OVEC would still be going strong considering our humble beginnings—a small committed group of people that stood up, spoke out and said “NO” to a major polluter? But here we all are, together celebrating a significant milestone in OVEC’s life— 25 years of hard-won […] More
Issues: CoalMountaintop removalPollution
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