Posts by Mary Wildfire

Mary Wildfire

97 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire Sep 10, 2018
Review of Amity and Prosperity: One Family and the Fracturing of America by Eliza Griswold
Read this book if you want a close-up look at how state and federal agencies work, and what happens to those adversely affected by fracking. More
Issues: CoalFrackingHealthMarcellus ShalePollution
Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire Jul 26, 2018
West Virginians Do Not Want China’s Appalachian Gas Investments: #NoASH #PetroFreeWV
Not everyone here in West Virginia thinks building Cancer Alley #2 along the entire Ohio River border of our state would be wonderful. Far from it! More
Issues: Appalachian Storage HubFrackingPipelinesPollution
Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire Jun 1, 2018
The Shale Gas Revolution—the Upside and the Downside
Our area is in the heart of the “shale gas revolution,” in which major new quantities of gas are being recovered from deep formations—here, the Marcellus and Utica shales—thus transforming our economy. More
Issues: Appalachian Storage HubClimate changeFrackingPipelines
Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire Aug 31, 2017
FERC is a Sugar Daddy
FERC, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, is the kind of regulatory agency any industry would love. More
Issues: FERCHealthPipelinesPollution
Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire Aug 29, 2017
Tunnel Vision at FERC
As a way to study environmental impacts, looking at the world through a tiny close-up lens is not a good approach. More
Issues: FERCHealthPipelines
Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire Feb 10, 2017
The Other Side of Combating Climate Change
If we are to avert catastrophic climate change, not only do we need to ramp down greenhouse gas emissions extremely rapidly—we also need to sequester some of the excess carbon dioxide that’s already in our air. More
Issues: Climate change
Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire Oct 18, 2016
Solar Open House In Roane County on November 5
The second annual solar open house in Roane County will be held at 1 p.m. on Saturday, November 5 at the home of Bob and Jan Mertz on Mulberry Ridge. Many past students of Roane and Spencer High Schools will remember the Mertz’s, who taught in our high schools for many years. More
Issues: Renewable energy
Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire Oct 4, 2016
A Day in DC for Climate Justice
During the last week of September, I went to Washington, D.C. with a couple other OVEC members in a trip organized by WV Citizens Action Group. More
Issues: Climate changeEPA
Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire Sep 26, 2016
WV AG Doesn’t Speak For Me
My name is Mary Wildfire and I live near Spencer, West Virginia. I’m here to say that when our Attorney General joined the suit against the Clean Power Plan, he did not speak for me, or most West Virginians. The Clean Power Plan is a sensible start to reducing the greenhouse gas emissions that threaten the future in West Virginia and everywhere else. More
Issues: Climate changeCoalEnergyRenewable energy
Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire Aug 16, 2016
Let’s Ask John Oliver to Do a Show on FERC!
Do you ever watch John Oliver’s “Last Week Tonight”? I find his show both funny and informative—in my opinion, he’s the best of Jon Stewart’s protégés. He’s one of the last of the muckraking journalists, showcasing outrages not getting much attention elsewhere. More
Issues: FERCFrackingPipelinesPollution
Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire May 7, 2016
Come to the Rubberstamp Rebellion: Ride with Us, Tell Off FERC
Join us for a ride to the Rubberstamp Rebellion at FERC headquarters in D.C. Tell FERC to stop rubberstamping pipelines! More
Issues: FERCFrackingPipelines
Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire Apr 27, 2016
TTIP = Totalitarian Take-Over In Progress
Tell the Truth, International Parasites! Totalitarian Take-Over In Progress On Sunday, April 24, President Obama stood next to Chancellor Angela Merkel in Germany and proclaimed that free trade deals like the TPP and the TTIP (which he was pushing) have been an “indisputable” good for our country. Amazingly, he did not then fall forward from the […] More
Issues: Social justice
Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire Jan 19, 2016
TPP Would Gut Environmental Laws
On January 14, I participated in a conference call with Climate Reality Check Coalition on the TTP (Trans Pacific Partnership) and its effect on the environment. This post is to pass along some of what I learned. Like other trade pacts, the TPP would essentially gut our environmental laws. The call featured two densely informative speeches: […] More
Issues: Climate changePipelinesPollutionSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire Dec 3, 2015
A Review of Time to Choose
Disclaimer first: since I have friends in and am a member of OVEC, which helped with the filming of the coal piece, I could have a positive bias as I write this review of Time to Choose. On the other hand, the reading I do on issues of environmental justice, peak oil and resource depletion, […] More
Issues: Climate changeMountaintop removalRenewable energyTransition economy
Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire Nov 14, 2015
Tell Senator Capito: Flush The TPP; #FallRising
You should take action if you care about defending clean water, clean air, safe food, our mountains and rivers, because the TPP is a threat to our environment... More
Issues: Climate changePollutionSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire Nov 27, 2013
Earthmasters: Book Review
Clive Hamilton, an Australian, has written a number of books about climate change. In the recently published Earthmasters, he tackles the subject of attempts to manage the climate by geoengineering. I found this book well researched, well documented, clearly written...and alarming. More
Issues: Climate change
Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire Feb 26, 2013
Micro Power to the People
A letter to the editor alerted me to my chance to finally see a microhydro system. On January 18, Vivian Stockman and I visited Mickey and Jennifer Janowski, who live at an elevation of 2,250 feet in Webster County, W.Va. More
Issues: Renewable energy
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