Hoots and Hollers, the OVEC Blog

882 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire Feb 6, 2021
Flowery Indulgence-Blog 41 in a Gardening Series
I love the eye candy of flowers, both in their beds in the spring breeze (and the summer fog and fall sun) and in their vases in my house. More
Issues: Sustainability
Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire Jan 31, 2021
Caring for Fruit Trees-Blog 40 in a Gardening Series
Our area is particularly prone to unpredictable spring frost. Nonetheless, a good site can produce apples and pears more years than not, and peaches and cherries probably half the time More
Issues: Sustainability
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Jan 23, 2021
Ask Biden to Solve Plastic Pollution Crisis With Eight Executive Actions
For fenceline communities, for the climate, for wildlife, for all our futures, urge President Biden to take eight key executive actions aimed at solving the plastic pollution crisis. More
Issues: Appalachian Storage HubClimate changeFrackingPetrochemicals
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Jan 22, 2021
ICYMI: Remembering the WV Water Crisis
January 9, 2021 marked the 7th anniversary of the MCHM spill into the Elk River, leaving 300,000 people without access to clean water for days. Panelists gave compelling testimony. More
Issues: MCHMWV American Water
logo of House Natural Resource Committee
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Jan 22, 2021
ICYMI: Congressional Committee’s Environmental Justice Now Tour: Appalachia
Hear hear. Hear us here! OVEC organizer Alex Cole joins other Appalachians speaking to the House Natural Resource Committee on the need for Environmental Justice Now. More
Issues: Mountaintop removalPetrochemicalsPollutionPro Democracy
Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire Jan 20, 2021
Smut in the Garden-Blog 39 in a Gardening Series
Birds do it. Bees do it. Plants do it, and sometimes they sneakily get help from those of us in the animal kingdom. More
Issues: Sustainability
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Jan 15, 2021
#FBF: Why We March—Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Political struggles are not won by lone individuals or lone organization or lone movements. More
Issues: Social justice
hydrogen atom
Hoots and Hollers Randi Pokladnik Jan 13, 2021
The Myth of Green Hydrogen
We've seen an enormous surge of articles proclaiming the benefits of "green" hydrogen. You guessed, it there's a major fossil fuel PR company behind much of the media blitz. More
Issues: Appalachian Storage HubClimate change
Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire Jan 13, 2021
Maple Syrup-Blog 38 in a Gardening Series
Maple syrup may not be produced in a garden, but it is food you can produce in West Virginia, as long as you have access to some maple trees. More
Issues: Sustainability
Hoots and Hollers Dustin White Jan 12, 2021
DEP’s Belle Explosion Air Quality Statement Is Just Hot Air
The explosion killed one plant worker and sent several others to the hospital. At the barest of bare minimums, the families of those killed and injured, and the rest of us living in the Chemical Valley deserve better information from the DEP. More
Issues: DEPPetrochemicals
Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire Jan 10, 2021
Using Your Produce—Celery and Onions—Part 37
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Issues: Sustainability
Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire Dec 26, 2020
Using Your Produce—Carrots and Parsnips—Part 36
It's not only wascally wabbits that love a garden's harvest of carrots. More
Issues: Sustainability
NOAA arctic ice image
Hoots and Hollers Randi Pokladnik Dec 20, 2020
There’s Trouble at the North Pole
Even though many if us in the lower 48 may give the most to thought to the region right now, what happens at the North Pole affects the rest of our planet. More
Issues: Climate change
Sweet potato slips
Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire Dec 17, 2020
Using Your Produce—Potatoes: Blog 34 in a Gardening Series
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Issues: Sustainability
Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire Dec 15, 2020
Deciding What to Grow: Blog 33 in a Gardening Series
Now is a good time to curl up in your favorite chair with some seed catalogs to start planning next year's garden. More
Issues: Sustainability
Hoots and Hollers Brendan Muckian-Bates Dec 11, 2020
A History of Resistance
The fight for justice has never been won at the ballot box alone. Resistance against the status quo is not uncommon in Appalachia; from the Mine Wars to the Red for Ed strikes, West Virginia has been center stage in pivotal events in this region. More
Issues: Clean electionsCoalFair courtsPro DemocracySocial justice
Hoots and Hollers Janet Keating Dec 10, 2020
Global Day of Mourning: January 10, 2021
As COVID-19 rages in our communities, the negative impacts have cascaded and infused into nearly every aspect of our lives. Take time to mourn with people around the globe. More
Issues: HealthSustainability
Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire Dec 9, 2020
Gardening Books: Blog 32 in a Gardening Series
If you can't dig into the soil right now, you can dig into a book about gardening. More
Issues: Sustainability
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Dec 3, 2020
A Letter from WV Poet Laureate and OVEC Member Marc Harshman
For more than 30 years, OVEC has been working to make life better in numerous ways. And, whether or not OVEC has won on a particular issue, it has been in the thick of the fight and has always reliably and forcefully borne witness. More
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