Tag: Mountaintop removal

369 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Hoots and Hollers OVEC May 22, 2015
World Premiere of Blood on the Mountain Brings Labor, Environmentalists Together
Sierra Club and AFL-CIO, in association with the Workers Unite! Film Festival will co-host a world premiere celebrating release of the extraordinary new documentary feature film, Blood On The Mountain. More
Issues: CoalEnergyHealthMountaintop removalPollutionSocial justiceWV Legislature
Hoots and Hollers Vivian May 20, 2015
2 p.m. Today: OVEC Organizer Testifies at Congressional Hearing
OVEC community organizer Dustin White is among the witnesses at a Congressional hearing today. To watch the hearing live at 2 p.m.: http://naturalresources.house.gov/live/ More
Issues: HealthMountaintop removalPollutionWater
Action Alert Vivian May 11, 2015
Satisfaction Via In-Person and Online Action
In This Alert: May 16: Sustainability Fair, WV Mine Wars Museum , May 17: Stand Together For Safe Water & Energy Savings, June 15: This is Not Your Grandparents’ Oil & Gas Industry, Other Upcoming Actions More
Issues: Mountaintop removalWV American Water
Hoots and Hollers Dustin White May 8, 2015
Potential Gubernatorial Candidate Plans MTR Mine Near A Head-Start Preschool
In an April 21 article, Jim Justice, owner of Southern Coal Corporation, told the Beckley Register-Herald that he is considering running for WV governor in the 2016 election.  For the record, OVEC, as a tax-exempt organization, never advocates for or against any political candidate.  We do believe, however, that we play a positive role by providing […] More
Issues: Clean electionsCoalDEPMountaintop removal
Dianne Bady
Hoots and Hollers Dustin White Apr 20, 2015
And The Award Goes To….
  On April 14, 2015, OVEC was one of the recipients of the second annual Jean and Leslie Douglas Pearl Award presented by the Cornell Douglas Foundation.  The ceremony took place in Washington D.C. at the National Press Club.  The following is the acceptance speech from OVEC’s very own Executive Director, Janet Keating: Good afternoon. It is truly an […] More
Issues: FrackingMountaintop removalSocial justice
Pearl Award
Press Release OVEC Apr 14, 2015
WV-Based OVEC and SkyTruth to Receive Jean and Leslie Douglas Pearl Award
WASHINGTON, D.C. –— Two West Virginia-based groups will be among those receiving the Cornell Douglas Foundation’s second annual Jean and Leslie Douglas Pearl Awards at a 4 to 6 p.m. ceremony at the National Press Club on April 14. More
Issues: CoalMountaintop removalWV American Water
Hobet 21
Press Release OVEC Apr 6, 2015
Patriot Coal’s Hobet 21 Mine Wiping Out W.Va’s Mud River Watershed
BOONE COUNTY, WV – Local citizen and clean water groups filed suit today in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia over widespread water pollution from Patriot Coal Corporation’s sprawling Hobet 21 coal mine in Boone County, WV. Hobet 21 is part of the Hobet Mining Complex in Boone County, West Virginia, which covers 6,268 acres in and around the upper Mud River watershed, and is one of the largest surface mines in Appalachia. More
Issues: Mountaintop removalPollutionWater
Action Alert Vivian Apr 2, 2015
Pipe Up, Come Out
Keep Your Foot Down: Contact the Governor. Thanks to everybody (around 200 of you!) who came out for The People's Foot: No More MTR Permits, held on March 16 at DEP headquarters in Charleston. Most of you probably read the news the next day: State announces review of studies linking mountaintop removal mining to illness More
Issues: CoalEnergyFaithFrackingHealthMarcellus ShaleMountaintop removalPipelinesPollutionRenewable energy
Newsletter OVEC Mar 25, 2015
Winds of Change, Spring 2015
Next in Oil and Gas Industry’s Crosshairs? More
Issues: EPAFERCMountaintop removalPipelinesRogersville ShaleWater
Press Release OVEC Mar 17, 2015
Legal Action Taken to Protect West Virginia From Lax Oversight of Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining
CHARLESTON, W.Va.— Seven local, regional and national groups today filed a formal notice of intent to sue the U.S. Office of Surface Mining for failing to intervene on West Virginia’s lax oversight of mountaintop removal and other destructive surface coal mining — a state program that has, for decades, allowed the coal industry to ravage the environment, putting people at risk and destroying local communities. More
Issues: CoalMountaintop removal
Press Release Vivian Mar 17, 2015
Citing Health Hazards, Citizens Demand End to MTR Permits
oday approximately 200 West Virginians rallied for healthy communities at the West Virginia Dept. of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) headquarters in Charleston. The People’s Foot, a coalition of West Virginia groups and individuals, held the “No More Mountaintop Removal Permits Day” to demand that the WVDEP stop issuing new permits for this coal extraction method. Mountaintop removal causes clouds of fine blasting dust, known to promote lung cancer and other diseases, to drift through communities. More
Issues: CoalEnergyMountaintop removalPollutionSocial justiceWater
Press Release OVEC Mar 9, 2015
The People’s Foot: No More MTR Permits Day
The WV DEP continues to ignore the studies that show mountaintop removal is drastically harming our health and cutting our lives short. The DEP continues to issue mountaintop removal permits that allow the coal industry to blast West Virginia mountains with high explosives, unleashing fine particulates of silica, aluminum, and molybdenum dust. These dust particulates are proven to promote lung tumors. Time to put your foot down! No more mountaintop removal permits. More
Issues: Mountaintop removal
Mountaintop removal mining
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Mar 7, 2015
Synopsis: Association Between Residence Near Surface Coal Mining and Blood Inflammation
Main points: C-reactive protein in blood among mining community members is elevated for adults living near surface coal mines. Counts of ambient particulate matter are higher in mining communities. Self-reported health indicators are worse in mining communities. Overview Summary: Study Background: All participants were non-smokers and non-miners without acute illness. C-reactive protein (CRP) is an […] More
Issues: HealthMountaintop removal
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Mar 4, 2015
Support Clean Water, Come Out: Tank Bill Public Hearing Friday
We urgently need water drinkers to come out to a public hearing on this bill set for Friday, March 6 at 8:30 a.m. in the WV House Chamber. Either come to comment or come to support those who are commenting for clean water. More
Issues: Aboveground storage tanksClean electionsCoalMarcellus ShaleMountaintop removalPollutionWV Legislature
Earth Quaker Action Team
Press Release OVEC Mar 2, 2015
Quakers Force PNC Bank to End Investment in Mountaintop Removal
Bowing to pressure from Quaker environmentalists, yesterday PNC Bank announced that it will be restricting financing of mountaintop removal coal mining in Appalachia. The shift outlined in its 2015 Corporate Responsibility Report means PNC Bank will effectively cease its investment in this controversial practice. More
Issues: FaithHealthMountaintop removal
Action Alert OVEC Feb 26, 2015
Take Action on MTR Permits, For Your Health; More
Put your foot down! Come out March 16 to tell DEP: No more mountaintop removal permits, for the sake of out health! Plus more in this OVEC Action Alert. More
Issues: Aboveground storage tanksClean electionsCoalFrackingMountaintop removalRenewable energyWV Legislature
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Feb 9, 2015
Speaking Up About HB 2566
HB 2566, the Coal Jobs and Safety Act of 2015 is a 59 page bill. You would think from the title that this is a positive bill that creates new job opportunities and a safer working environment for coal miners. Nothing could be further from the truth. More
Issues: CoalHealthMountaintop removalPollutionSocial justiceWater
Hoots and Hollers Robin Blakeman Jan 24, 2015
Wise Woman Speaks on the Waters that Unite Us
Our leaders are in session this month. Take a stand. Make your voice heard! Start today! March and unite! Our nation was founded on the premise “by the people, for the people.” Remind our leaders that they work for us and demand they start working on a solution. Appalachians have always been strong and our ancestors fought many labor struggles and won! I haven’t given up on us. Our children are depending on us to do the right thing. More
Issues: FrackingHealthMarcellus ShaleMountaintop removalPollutionSocial justiceWater
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Jan 21, 2015
Hog Slurry Lagoons New “Future” for Old MTR Sites? Hog Wash!
Helmick says another thing that government officials have avoided saying out loud: MTR mining activity makes places remote. From our experience, that's because people have been driven away by the approaching mining. Helmick likely overstated himself and knows that there are some people and communities still near some MTR sites, but the folks living near MTR sites are far more likely to be unhealthy and facing early death than people who don't live near MTR sites. More
Issues: Mountaintop removalPollutionSocial justiceWV American Water
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Jan 15, 2015
Water Unites Us: Rally for Clean Water Statewide
Hey West Virginia! Got fracking? Got mountaintop removal? Got acid mine drainage? Got oil & gas? Got chemical spills? Got sludge "ponds"? Got underground slurry injection? Got conductivity? Got selenium pollution? Got buried streams? Got to stand up for clean water! Come out Saturday, January 17 for a training and a rally for clean water, more events in January: A Month of Water in Charleston, WV More
Issues: CoalFrackingHealthMarcellus ShaleMountaintop removalPollutionSocial justiceWaterWV American Water
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