Hoots and Hollers, the OVEC Blog

882 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Hoots and Hollers OVEC May 14, 2020
The West Virginia Environmental Council is Hiring
The WVEC seeks a year-round part-time Outreach Coordinator and Interim Lobbyist. More
Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire May 13, 2020
Brassicas: Blog Five in a Series
Some brassicas are easy to grow, especially when it’s cool and cloudy--at both ends of the growing season. More
Issues: Sustainability
Hoots and Hollers OVEC May 7, 2020
Call Sen. Capito TODAY! No PFAS In Your Water.
Can you call Sen. Capito today & tell her to regulate PFAS in the America's Water Infrastructure Act? More
Issues: HealthPetrochemicalsPollutionWater
Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire May 7, 2020
Fencing Them Out: Blog Four in a Series
Everybody is going to want to feast in your garden. You've got to fence the varmits out. More
Issues: Sustainability
Sweet potato slips
Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire Apr 29, 2020
Preparing Your Garden: Blog Three in a Series
It's time to prep your soil, set out some seedlings, and start seeds of certain garden varieties. More advice for first-time gardeners and others. More
Issues: HealthSustainability
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Apr 28, 2020
This Election is Vital! Know the Supreme Court Candidates and #GoVoteWV
WV will elect three justices to the state Supreme Court in this upcoming primary election. Know the candidates! See wvcourtelections.org to learn more about this election and the judicial candidates. Help voters inform themselves; spread the word. More
Issues: Clean electionsFair courtsPro Democracy
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Apr 24, 2020
Mountain State Spotlight: You Can Help Local Investigative Journalism Shine!
Great news for local investigate journalism: Mountain State Spotlight is coming our way. You can help make this non-profit model of journalism a success. Lord knows we need a spotlight on goings-on in the state! More
Issues: Appalachian Storage HubFair courtsFrackingMountaintop removalPipelinesSocial justice
Mary's peas
Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire Apr 23, 2020
Starting Your New Garden: Blog Two
Peas can go in as soon as you have a place ready for them. Onions and leeks go in now. Plant lettuce, spinach and radishes now. Soon you can plant carrots, chard and beets. More
Issues: Sustainability
Hoots and Hollers Randi Pokladnik Apr 20, 2020
It Is Time for a New Normal
For the first time in decades, the Earth is speaking to us at a time when we might actually be able to hear it. We are getting a wake-up call from a microscopic virus, whether we chose to hear that call remains to be seen. More
Issues: Climate changePollutionSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire Apr 15, 2020
Your New Garden—First Steps
It's simple to start a garden and gardening is good for all of us on some many levels. More
Hoots and Hollers Randi Pokladnik Apr 15, 2020
The Pros and Cons of Building Materials and Their Carbon Footprints
Few building materials come without a downside environmentally speaking, but there are greener choices that are becoming more affordable each year. More
Issues: Sustainability
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Mar 26, 2020
COVID-19 and Voting: You Are Now Eligible to Vote by Absentee Ballot
Right now, we all need to try to observe physical distancing guidelines. To safeguard yourself and poll workers, you can vote by absentee ballot instead of going to the polls on May 12 for the primary and judicial election. More
Issues: Social justice
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Mar 25, 2020
Struggle For 19th Amendment, Voting Rights Act: Why We Have to Work Now to Get Out The Vote
Voting rights for women and people of color have been hard won in this country. The struggles continue. Help Get out the Vote! More
Issues: Clean electionsFair courtsSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Mar 24, 2020
2020 West Virginia Election Information
A collection of information on voting in WV in 2020. Be sure you are registered to vote and consider applying for an absentee ballot now. More
Issues: Clean electionsFair courtsSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers Robin Blakeman Mar 18, 2020
Bye, Beautiful Brenda
Beauty defined Brenda Wilson, inside and out. Public memorial services for this amazing woman will be scheduled later in the year. More
Issues: FaithSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Mar 14, 2020
A Message to Our Members on Coronavirus
We are closely monitoring the ongoing COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak according to the guidelines and recommendations of the CDC. More
Issues: HealthSocial justice
Viv with the OVEC logo
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Mar 6, 2020
Statement on Receiving the Women of Appalachia Project’s 2020 Appalachian Advocate Award
I cannot get anywhere without those who came before me and without those who surround me now. More
Issues: Social justice
No to HB 4615
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Mar 5, 2020
HB 4615: An Update + Action Needed
Almost every day in America people come together peacefully to demonstrate and raise their voices about clean air and water, local land use, and other issues they believe in because peaceful protest works. Keep it so in WV! More
Issues: PipelinesSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Feb 25, 2020
Call to Action on WV Courts Bill and Crown Act
The West Virginia Legislative Session ends on March 7, so that means things are really heating up. There's much you can do to be #WVProDemocracy. For one: 8:30 a.m. Thursday, February 27 Public Hearing on SB 275 before the House Judiciary Committee in the House Chamber at the WV State Capitol.  More
Issues: Fair courtsPro DemocracySocial justice
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Feb 17, 2020
This Bill is Trash Literally: Please Take Action Today
Hey, here's another great idea, not: Let's give you no say about it and build a mega-dump taking in trash from New Jersey with no tipping fees and with no regulation under the PSC! More
Issues: PollutionWV Legislature
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