Tag: Climate change

196 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Hoots and Hollers Mary Wildfire Nov 27, 2013
Earthmasters: Book Review
Clive Hamilton, an Australian, has written a number of books about climate change. In the recently published Earthmasters, he tackles the subject of attempts to manage the climate by geoengineering. I found this book well researched, well documented, clearly written...and alarming. More
Issues: Climate change
Hoots and Hollers Robin Blakeman Oct 12, 2013
See You in October
Three events in late October which OVEC friends, members and new contacts should plan to attend. More
Issues: Cemetery protectionClimate changeCoalMountaintop removalSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Oct 10, 2013
Synopsis: The Environmental Price Tag on a Ton of Mountaintop Removal Coal
Main Points: While several thousand square kilometers of land area have been subject to surface mining in the Central Appalachians, no reliable estimate exists for how much coal is produced per unit landscape disturbance. A one-year supply of coal would result in ∼2,300 km of stream impairment and a loss of ecosystem carbon sequestration capacity comparable to the global warming potential of >33,000 US homes. More
Issues: Climate changeHealthMountaintop removalWater
Hoots and Hollers Dan Aug 19, 2013
Renewable Energy Good for People, Planet
An exciting new report by Carnegie Mellon challenges the traditional way in which we discuss the benefits of renewable energy generation. The report re-positions renewable benefits in a way that deals with the real world health effects of fossil fuel generation and carbon dioxide displacement that will be necessary going to ensure a sustainable energy […] More
Issues: Climate changeCoalEnergy efficiencyRenewable energy
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Aug 5, 2013
ENERGY: Overdevelopment and the Delusion of Endless Growth
  Thanks to the Post Carbon Institute (PCI; like them on Facebook here), OVEC is in the midst of distributing more than 250 copies of the large-format book ENERGY: Overdevelopment and the Delusion of Endless Growth. Organizationally, OVEC has partnered with PCI in their Energy Reality Campaign, a national effort to increase energy literacy, with […] More
Issues: Climate changeCoalEnergy efficiencyHealthMarcellus ShaleMountaintop removalPollution
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Jul 8, 2013
What the Frack? Find Out Tonight
 If you have HBO, be sure to tune in tonight for Josh Fox’s Gasland II. More
Issues: Clean electionsClimate changeFrackingMarcellus Shale
Newsletter OVEC Mar 21, 2013
Winds of Change, March 2013
We reached a legal agreement in November 2012, whereby Patriot Coal will immediately begin phasing out mountaintop removal and other large-scale surface mining. Patriot is the second-largest producer of surface-mined coal in West Virginia. More
Issues: Climate changeMountaintop removalPollutionRenewable energyWater
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Feb 14, 2013
#Forward on Climate ~ Fight Like Hell For the Living
Several OVEC members and staff are heading to Washington D.C. for the largest climate rally in history, happening this Sunday, February 17. If you can’t join us in person, please join the rally online. Hashtags in use for the rally include #forwardonclimate, #f17. With your tweets please include #(your zip code), so we get a […] More
Issues: Climate changeCoalEnergy efficiencyFaithHealthMountaintop removalPollution
Hoots and Hollers Janet Keating Jun 25, 2012
Blame it on Rio
I’m still amazed after all these years the number of times that I seem to be in the right place at the right time. That was the case on June 21st at the UN Conference, Rio+20 in Rio de Janiero, Brazil. I was sitting in the Women’s group office hand-writing some notes for the presentation […] More
Issues: Climate changeEPAMountaintop removal
Hoots and Hollers Janet Keating Jun 20, 2012
The Future We Don’t Want
Below is a statement from the Non-govermental Organizations (NGOs) attending the Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development.  Much frustration exists among ordinary people here over the fact that that 20 nations are deciding the fate of 195. Many have been saying that the current document is taking steps backwards from the agreement reach in Rio […] More
Issues: Climate changeEnergyMountaintop removal
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Jun 20, 2012
OVEC’s ED in Rio
OVEC Executive Director Janet Keating is attending the Rio+20 Earth Summit, going on now in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Keating will present before a panel titled “Organizing for Change: Women’s Tribunals as Civil Society Advocacy.” She’ll present findings from the Central Appalachian Women’s Tribunal on Climate Justice, which was held May 10 in Charleston, W. […] More
Issues: Climate changeEPAMountaintop removal
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Jun 8, 2012
Earth: Don’t Push Me, Cuz I’m Close to the Edge
Although my high school days are long gone, one lesson from a biology class stays with me. Warnings from scientists like this underscore the importance of that lesson. We students conducted an experiment where we inoculated an agar-filled Petri dish with a microorganism. The agar supplied the needs of this microorganism. Each day we used […] More
Issues: Climate changeEnergy efficiencyMountaintop removal
Hoots and Hollers Janet Keating May 1, 2012
What’s up with a Central Appalachian Women’s Tribunal on Climate Justice?
On May 10, at the West Virginia Woman’s Club in Charleston,  OVEC and our partner organizations, the Loretto Community at the United Nations, the Feminist Task Force of the Global Call to Action Against Poverty, and the Civil Society Institute, are organizing and hosting the first ever U. S. Climate Justice Tribunal. Women  throughout Central […] More
Issues: Climate changeHealthMountaintop removalSocial justice
Hoots and Hollers Vivian Apr 13, 2012
Updated “Burning the Future” airing on PBS in April and May
AWARD-WINNING DOC BURNING THE FUTURE TO AIR ON PUBLIC TELEVISION AND FREE ONLINE DURING EARTH MONTH, APRIL 2012 To help raise greater awareness about the ongoing health and environmental impacts of coal, an updated version of the award-winning film Burning the Future: Coal in America will be broadcast on select PBS stations in April and […] More
Issues: Climate changeMountaintop removal
Daffodils in February
Hoots and Hollers Janet Keating Mar 2, 2012
Daffodils in February?
After more than 25 years in my home, this February marked the first time that my daffodils bloomed in February--along with profuse flowers of the Lenten Rose. More
Issues: Climate change
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