Posts by OVEC


605 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Vigil for Water
Press Release OVEC Dec 23, 2014
One Year Anniversary of the Elk River Chemical Leak
January 9, 2015, events from 3 p.m. until 9 p.m. in and around the WV Culture Center on the State Capitol Grounds. All events are free of charge and open to the public, and are organized by active members of the WV Safe Water Roundtable. More
Issues: MCHMWater
Selenium Pollution
Press Release OVEC Dec 19, 2014
Legal Agreements Require Protection from Selenium Pollution at West Virginia Coal Mines
Citizen and environmental groups have reached three separate settlement agreements with Alpha Natural Resources and Consol Energy requiring the companies to deal with their responsibility for selenium pollution into streams from multiple mountaintop removal coal mines and coal mining facilities in West Virginia. More
Issues: Mountaintop removalWater
Press Release OVEC Dec 16, 2014
Still No Decision on Kanawha State Forest Surface Mine Four Months After Hearing
The Kanawha Forest Coalition today released a report detailing the regulatory mishaps and procedural flaws they say were involved in the DEP issuance of a permit allowing surface mining within 588 feet of Kanawha State Forest and within 1,500 feet of homes. More
Issues: Mountaintop removal
Mountaintop removal mining
Press Release OVEC Dec 15, 2014
Landmark Settlement Addresses Conductivity Pollution from Surface Coal Mines
Citizen and environmental groups have reached a landmark settlement agreement with Alpha Natural Resources that requires the company to bring its pollution discharges from four mountaintop removal coal mines into compliance with narrative water quality standards. More
Issues: Mountaintop removalWater
Press Release OVEC Dec 13, 2014
Media Day at Kanawha State Forest
Find out why the Kanawha Forest Coalition contends that the WVDEP has not followed its rules in issuing a mountaintop removal mining permit for the KD#2 mine near KSF and why the Coalition is continuing to appeal this permit. More
Issues: Mountaintop removal
No fracking!
Press Release OVEC Dec 11, 2014
Groups Coalesce Against Fracking Activity in Ohio River Valley
Late in November, representatives of citizen groups from West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio gathered in Huntington, W.Va., to discuss the growing threats to the Ohio River Basin, which provides drinking water for five million people. More
Issues: FrackingPollutionWater
Press Release OVEC Dec 10, 2014
Patriot Coal’s Hobet 21 Mining Complex a Major Source of Harmful Pollution
Citizen and environmental groups have put Patriot Coal Corporation subsidiary Hobet Mining on notice of their intent to sue over the company’s pollution at its sprawling Hobet 21 coal mining complex in Boone County, WV. More
Issues: CoalHealthPollution
Green Jam
Action Alert OVEC Dec 2, 2014
Support OVEC Today, #GivingTuesday
As 2014 draws to a close, we here at OVEC are reflecting on our achievements and challenges of the past year. We are especially grateful to all our volunteers and supporters. You make it possible for us to work together to protect our air, land, water and the places we love. More
Even Hillbiliies deserve clean water
Press Release OVEC Dec 1, 2014
Grassroots Progress Report Evaluates Obama’s Legacy in Appalachia
The report discusses the Obama Administration’s successes and shortfalls in addressing the impacts of mountaintop removal and investing in a just and sustainable economy in Appalachia More
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Nov 12, 2014
Synopsis: Appalachian Mountaintop Mining Particulate Matter Induces Neoplastic Transformation of Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells and Promotes Tumor Formation
Synopsis: Appalachian Mountaintop Mining Particulate Matter Induces Neoplastic Transformation of Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells and Promotes Tumor Formation More
Issues: HealthMountaintop removal
Action Alert OVEC Nov 5, 2014
National Call-In Day to Support FERC Blockaders
This week, hundreds of people are in Washington, D.C. for Beyond Extreme Energy, a series of actions aimed at stopping business as usual at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). More
Beyond Extreme Energy
Action Alert OVEC Oct 29, 2014
We Need You to Vote & to Support Beyond Extreme Energy, More
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issues permits for pipelines, compressor stations and export terminals. That means more deep shale extraction activities in our communities, which means more contaminated well water, more tainted streams, more sickening air emissions, more plummeting property values, more low-level radioactive waste in landfills... More
Newsletter OVEC Sep 23, 2014
Winds of Change, Fall 2014
A landmark June decision of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia found that high conductivity from mountaintop removal mines owned by Alex Energy and Elk Run Coal Company violates key clean-water protections. More
Issues: EnergyMountaintop removalPollutionSocial justiceWater
Newsletter OVEC Jun 22, 2014
Winds of Change, Summer 2014
In July of 2013, Bill Hughes sent a detailed e-mail to the owner-operator of Jay-Bee Oil & Gas’ Lisby Marcellus Shale gas operation. The well pad is about six miles southeast of Middlebourne, on Big Run Road in Tyler ounty, WV, and it’s been a problem for people living nearby since the operation “first pushed dirt,” Hughes says. More
Issues: FrackingMarcellus ShaleMountaintop removalWater
Newsletter OVEC Mar 8, 2014
Winds of Change, March 2014
Don’t drink the water. Don’t shower. Don’t cook with it or wash your clothes. There’s half a century gone. Gone most of us who went to Elk Grade School, gone, too. Gone the white frame homes, the small brick duplexes, the school we marched to for our polio shots. Gone the quick-tongued streams, gone the valleys, filled with mountaintop, gone from the fog-draped skyscape. It’s licorice scented air, not sun-dried cotton sheets, licorice wafting from the tap. More
Issues: EnergyFrackingHealthMountaintop removalPollutionWater
Coal wants us out
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Feb 5, 2014
Coal Industry Would Like To Push & Poison Us Out of Here
When I first read this document 12 years ago, it infuriated me. Starting on page 13, the essay includes points that amount to a depopulation plan for southern West Virginia. I think it infuriates me even more now, after everything that’s happened since then. The latest: the January 9 “leak” into the Elk River of 10,000 gallons of a chemical used in coal prep plants from an uninspected,decrepit tank farm and the subsequent poisoning of the water supply of about 300,000 West Virginians, a water crisis that is still unfolding today, nearly a month later. More
Issues: MCHMMountaintop removalSocial justiceWater
Newsletter OVEC Dec 1, 2013
Winds of Change, December 2013
Perhaps those buried in the Jarrell Family Cemetery can rest a little easier now. In August, family members of the deceased filed a lawsuit in Boone County Court aimed at repairing and protecting the cemetery from further desecration. More
Issues: Cemetery protectionCoalPollutionRenewable energyWater
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Oct 24, 2013
Synopsis: Increased Risk of Depression for People Living in Coal Mining Areas of Central Appalachia
Main Points: Individuals residing in areas where mountaintop removal is practiced experienced significantly more poor mental health days. 36% of persons in mountain top removal areas were mildly depressed. 17% of persons in mountain top removal areas were moderately depressed. 7% of persons in mountain top removal areas were severely depressed. Overview Summary Study Background: […] More
Issues: HealthMountaintop removal
Hoots and Hollers OVEC Oct 10, 2013
Synopsis: The Environmental Price Tag on a Ton of Mountaintop Removal Coal
Main Points: While several thousand square kilometers of land area have been subject to surface mining in the Central Appalachians, no reliable estimate exists for how much coal is produced per unit landscape disturbance. A one-year supply of coal would result in ∼2,300 km of stream impairment and a loss of ecosystem carbon sequestration capacity comparable to the global warming potential of >33,000 US homes. More
Issues: Climate changeHealthMountaintop removalWater
Newsletter OVEC Sep 3, 2013
Winds of Change, September 2013
On the lovely summer evening of July 26, about 80 OVEC members and supporters, many pictured above, gathered to picnic at Coonskin Park in Charleston, WV. We venture to say that everyone had fun, enjoying meeting friends old and new. Thanks to everyone who came out. More
Issues: DEPHealthMountaintop removalPollutionWater
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