A Message to Our Members on Coronavirus

Updated 3-19

Like so many other people, we are closely monitoring the ongoing COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, especially by watching the guidelines and recommendations of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). The WHO has a bounty of information on its Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak web page. And here’s what WV Heath and Human Resources has to say

As the coronavirus continues to have an impact on individuals and communities around the world, we know it has been a challenging and uncertain time for everyone. We worry about our loved ones, and our communities. Though some of us may fare better because of our age or health, everyone is vulnerable. Your actions can help protect others.

Some of the advice we are all hearing: Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds, often. Drink lots of water. Work on the habit of not touching your face. No more hand shaking. Don’t be racist. Practice social physical  distancing. (Let’s do call it physical distancing; we need to figure out more ways to be more social while maintaining physical distance!) Help flatten the curve. Know the COVID-19 symptoms. If you don’t feel good, stay home, and check CDC’s guidelines on what to do. If you feel fine, stay home anyway. 

Have a plan and be ready in case you or a family get sick. Here’s what the CDC says about having your home ready.

Millions of Americans are undergoing layoffs due to business shutdowns. If you can, consider those who may have a really tough time; donate to local food banks and maybe even send a check to people whose services you often use but aren’t now—for instance, your hairdresser if you are skipping a haircut. However you can, show your gratitude to medical workers. 

If you do have to go out for groceries or medicine, maybe you can drop off some groceries for your elderly neighbor. Because, we are all going to need to look out for one another.

It’s spring, so it’s the perfect time to start a garden, whether in the ground or in pots. If you don’t already do garden, now is a good time to learn grow some of your own greens and veggies.

Contact your elected officials to demand policies that protect the most vulnerable among us. Ask for free, readily available testing, “paid sick days” legislation for all workers, and a moratorium on water, gas, internet, phone, or electricity shut-offs.

Thanks to Color of Change, here are several important policy steps you can e-ask for: 

We have the power to demand universal basic income as a part of any coronavirus aid package and adequate safety precautions for incarcerated people. We have the power to demand that vote-by-mail be expanded so that our people don’t risk their health at the polls.

We have long been encouraging folks to complete the census online or by phone as early as possible this spring, but that plan just got even more important now that we’re collectively dealing with COVID-19. Self-responding early helps lessen the need for census takers to knock on people’s doors to complete the count, and it also gives the Bureau — and organizers like us! — more time to work through any issues that might pop up as the count goes on. Make a plan to take the census today.

Times like these remind us of our shared humanity. To care for one another, we need to help one each other find solace and beauty where we can, perhaps by taking lessons from the tree community.


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The Author


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