Welcome Keena; Turnout For These Events
We hope you will join OVEC in welcoming our new outreach and membership coordinator, Keena Mullins. Opining on WV politicians’ failure to diversify the state’s economy in her debut blog post, Keena says, ” What we’re left with is a shared set of struggles and the opportunity to join together, empower each other, and prevent the second wave of boom/bust, extraction-based economics in Appalachia.”
Keena goes on to invite folks to contact her (keena@ohvec.org): “I’m really interested in getting to know each of you as individuals and working together one-on-one to come up with a way for you to be engaged in our efforts, while doing something that you find fulfilling and important.”
October and November are jam-packed with ways to become engaged; we bet you’ll find more than one fulfilling, important activity here in which you can engage. Below are a few of the highlights, but do be sure to check our calendar page for many more. See you out there!
This weekend, October 7 – 8: Morgantown WV. Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor: A Dialogue Leading to Action. Learn more here and register here.
October 8: 6 p.m. The Huntington-Cabell branch of the NAACP hosts its annual Freedom Fund banquet: Our Lives Matter, Our Votes Count, at Marshall University Student Union, BE5. Doors open 5:30 p.m.
October 10: Deadline to apply for Ocotber 16 water monitoring training. See above for details.
October 10: Deadline to register for the WVEC and WVHC Joint Biennial Fall Conference at Camp Virgil Tate, in Charleston, WV, held October 21-23. Register here.
October 11: The WV Supreme Court of Appeals, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard East, Building One, Charleston hears Mountain Valley Pipeline, LLC v. Brian and Doris McCurdy, EQT’s appeal regarding Monroe county’s Judge Iron’s ruling last year that upheld the right of landowners to refuse to allow surveys by Mountain Valley Pipeline. The Judge said that there was no evidence of public need for the pipeline.
We need support in the court! Be in the third floor courtroom by 10 a.m. on October 11. This case is the third one on the docket; We need to be there and ready. To get in, have photo ID to get in and be prepared for security searches.
October 13: Proposed Sherwood Compressor Station public comment meeting. Comment in writing or come out. Details here.
October 14 – 16: Annual Fall Gathering on Kayford Mountain at Stanley Heirs Park, Kayford Mountain, WV.
October 14 – 16: Seeds of Resistance Harvest Tour.
October 17: Rally to Save Coal River Mountain, at noon at the WV Dept. of Environmental Protection, 601 57th St SE, Charleston, WV.
October 17: Loving Appalachia: Celebrating WV Heritage on the Marshall University campus from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The event will be held on the field in front of the INTO Marshall University building (e-mail info@ohvec.org for a campus map) and will be moved to the Memorial Student Center in the event of inclement weather.

October 30: Premier of Season 2 of Years of Living Dangerously on National Geographic Channel. This series on climate change highlights personal stories, and this season will have a stronger focus on the solutions to climate change, particularly a price on carbon through the series’ Put A Price On It campaign.
Help spread the word: Like the series’ Facebook page. Tweet about it: Check out @YEARSofLIVING’s updated website for info about Season 2 & why we need to #PutAPriceOnIt! http://yearsoflivingdangerously.com/ #YEARSproject
There really is so much more, near and far, so please do check the calendar.
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