Oct. 3 and 4: Solar Open House in Roane County, WV

Renewable energy is sprouting up all over WV. A little leadership could accelerate our state's transition to the new energy future. Photo by V. Stockman.

Renewable energy is sprouting up all over WV. Be a part of it. Come to the Solar Open House Oct. 3.

With the help of Sierra Club West Virginia Chapter, several OVEC members are hosting a Solar Open House on October 3 and 4  from 1-4 p.m.  at Hickory Ridge, a few miles from Spencer, in Roane County, WV (about 80 minutes from Charleston). Learn how to make your own electric power!

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Many of us would love to see a world run solely on clean, renewable energy, but nevertheless continue to pay large sums of money each month to an energy industry which relies on fossil fuels. Do we have a choice? Yes, we do! If you’d like to learn more, come to the Solar Open House.

*Experience an up-close view of field mounted solar panels.
*Help adjust panels for their winter settings.
*Learn about the technical aspects of energy-saving power supplies, off-grid and grid tied solar, virtual and net metering and the federal 30% tax credit.
*Learn more about using passive solar energy and energy efficient building techniques.
*Discuss organic methods of raising and preserving food.

donJoin the folks of Hickory Ridge for refreshments and an enjoyable afternoon in the country! Everyone interested in solar energy and sustainable living is invited. Go east of Spencer on Route 33; turn north onto Steele Hollow Road and follow the signs.

For more specific directions to the Solar Open House contact: Mary Wildfire, wildfire@spectrumz.com, or Robin Wilson, robin@wvcag.org or 304-377-5391. E-mail is the easiest way to send directions.

Link to OVEC's final letter to membersFeb 14 2022  Newsletter
Final Newsletter
Oct 28 2021  Action Alert
Climate Actions: Let Manchin Know WV Cares About Climate Change
Oct 26 2021  Hoots and Hollers
October 27: Coal Community Workgroup Listening Session in Beckley 
Jan 29 2021  Press Release
OVEC Calls for Community Dialogue in Response to Executive Actions

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