New Year, New Actions
The OVEC staff and board of directors wish you happiness in the New Year.
Health professionals say happiness can arise from having a sense of purpose for your life’s activities and volunteering for causes you believe in. Defending our water fits both bills.
Water defenders know that today, January 9, is the 4th anniversary of the #WVWaterCrisis. In a statement issued yesterday, OVEC’s Executive Director Natalie Thompson notes, “The crisis devastatingly underlined these facts: We simply cannot live without clean water, and our economy cannot function without clean water. The crisis underlined how cavalier our elected officials and polluting corporations have been with West Virginia’s most precious resource. The citizen response to the crisis reminded us of the power of organized people; together we can demand changes for a healthier quality of life.”
Tomorrow, January 10, the 2018 West Virginia Legislative Session begins. Natalie says, “You can help defend our water! This year’s Legislative Session begins on January 10. OVEC and other progressive groups plan to have a presence at the Capitol, but let’s be real: we don’t have the same access to politicians as do the industries that donate large sums to political campaigns. So, let’s bring on the people power! Our legislators need to hear from all of us.”
You are invited to join Natalie at the State Capitol. “For anyone who is compelled to stop the momentum of industry persuasion in our state, please plan on joining us for the 60-day Legislative Session as often as you can. I will be there often, and I’d be happy to have you join me. Contact me at or at the OVEC office, 304-522-0246.”
The WV Environmental Council is also urging you to take action during the Legislative Session, especially on Lobby Tuesdays: How To Get Your Legislator’s Attention in 2018.
If you don’t feel comfortable about lobbying at the State Capitol, don’t worry! Several allied groups are getting together to host free Your Voice WV: Citizen Lobbyist Trainings around the state. Trainings are already set for Morgantown, Lewisburg, Bethany, and Parkersburg, with more to come.
We hope to see you under the Golden Dome!
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