DC: ‘Shine Tonight – Come Taste It

proxyTime to get your ‘shine on! Moonshine that is.  If you are in or near the Washington, D.C. area, please come out tonight starting at 7:30 p.m. at the Stewart R. Mott House.Help raise awareness and funds, while sampling some traditional Appalachian beverages with the experts!

It takes good water to make good moonshine! (We’ll have plenty of non-alcoholic Appalachian beverages available for those who prefer not to drink.)

Join Appalachians who are leading the fight against mountaintop removal coal mining and working towards a sustainable transition in Appalachia. Come celebrate our work together. More details here.

This fundraiser is a celebration leading up to the Our Water Our Future Rally happening tomorrow, Tuesday, September 9. We hope you can come out for that, too! 

Appalachian residents have dealt with toxic water from mountaintop removal and other coal destruction for decades.  Even if you can’t make either event, we’re asking allies across the country to show their solidarity by sharing images of themselves with water that is important or sacred to them. Why do you fight for clean water?  E-mail photos to contact@theallianceforappalachia.org or share online tagged #ourwaterourfuture to tell the EPA what water means to you.

Feb 14 2022  Action Alert
A Final Note from OVEC
Link to OVEC's final letter to membersFeb 14 2022  Newsletter
Final Newsletter
Jan 28 2022  Hoots and Hollers
A Note of Gratitude for OVEC from Allen Johnson
OVEC's special collection libraryNov 18 2021  Hoots and Hollers
OVEC Closing Doors

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