Coal Health Study Sidebar

Mountaintop removal mining

CHEJ’s Report to the National Commission on the Health Impacts of MTR

CRMW’s Page on MTR and Health Impacts

Fact Sheet: The Impact of Coal of Our Lives

Selected News on Birth Defect Studies and Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining

Mountains Of Evidence: Questions About Coal’s Most Controversial Practice May Finally Be Answered

Timeline: Long History of Health Questions About Mountaintop Removal

National Academy of Sciences to study mountaintop removal health effects 

W.Va. DEP’s Huffman: Strip-mine health studies deserve ‘closer look’

New study details strip-mining air pollution

More science on mountaintop removal’s health effects

Emily Bernhardt on mountaintop removal mining

How many mountains
can we mine?

New studies begin to
answer questions about mining, health

Mountaintop removal and birth defects: Just what are the coal industry’s lawyers talking about?

Correlations between Mining and Health

Judge Chambers blocks health studies from case

Environmental Health Perspectives: MTR: Digging Into Community Health Concerns

Nobody wants to hear about studies that link mountaintop removal to cancer and birth defects

Study: birth defect rates higher in MTR areas

Birth defects study: More inconvenient facts about the impact of mountaintop removal coal mining

Mountaintop removal and birth defects: Just what are the coal industry’s lawyers talking about?

Mountaintop Removal Linked to Birth Defects in Appalachia’s Coal Country

Selected News on Other Health Studies

Latest WVU study finds more health problems among residents near mountaintop removal mines

Weighing coal’s costs and benefits

Mortality in Appalachian Coal Mining Regions: The Value of Statistical Life Lost

Selected News on Other Scientific Studies

Bombshell study: MTR impacts ‘pervasive and irreversible’

Coal’s Assault on Human Health