Emergency Response Resources

On December 8, 2020, an explosion and fire rocked the Chemours/Optima plant in Belle, WV. One worker died, three were injured. In the immediate aftermath of the explosion, nearby residents received sparse information on what measures they should take to protect themselves, their families, and their neighbors.

This explosion is only one of all-to-frequent incidents at area petrochemical plants. Residents near these plants often hear alarms and experience odd smells. While the  incidents are not always deadly, the cumulative impacts of the stress of leaving near these plants and their emissions can take a huge toll on health and wellbeing. 

In the hopes that you can feel safer in your own homes, we have compiled the following resources into that toolkit. 

If you are reading this before mid-July 2020, note that you have an opportunity to speak directly to EPA to tell them to take measures to drastically decrease the risks associated with living near a chemical plant. 

Register Today to Speak to EPA on Chemical Plant Risks

Talking to EPA on Chemical Plant Safety and Your Community

You have until July 31 (extended deadline) to give written comments!

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