The Winter 2017-18 issue of Winds of Change, OVEC’s newsletter, is now online.
To read your copy, click here or on the image. 

If you didn’t know already, we are so sorry to have to inform you of the passing of our founder, Dianne Bady. Dianne died during our 30th year; there’s much reflection on our three decades in this issue.

Dianne had been working on multiple issues when she became ill, and, of course, we carry on the work!

On that note, there are hearings on the Mountaineer Xpress Pipeline’s stormwater permit tonight in Doddridge County and tomorrow in Jackson County. We have a carpool headed to the Jackson hearing, so e-mail if you’d like to ride along or provide a ride to others. 

The holiday season seems especially poignant this year, with all that is going on in our country. OVEC staff and board hope you get plenty of time to enjoy family and friends, and we extend our warmest holiday wishes! We wish you much love and light!

P.S. As you think about end-of-year giving, remember that OVEC is a 501(c)(3) organization, so your donations  are tax deductible. We hope you will consider supporting our $30 for 30 campaign if you haven’t already. 

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