Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition
Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition
Action Alert
Supporting Organized Voices and
Empowered Communities Since 1987
Apr 27, 2021 View / Comment Online

Hi {contact.email_greeting},

Spring has sprung in the Ohio River Valley, so we at OVEC are planting our gardens, basking in the sun, and gearing up for some big federal policy pushes with our Mountain Mama, West Virginia, in the spotlight. Oh, and also fighting Big Petro by stopping single-use plastics, and keeping up the fight on mountaintop removal. See below for how you can help!

Plastic proliferation is a global crisis. Every year, we generate more than 35 million tons of plastic waste. Of that waste, less than nine percent is recycled. The remaining 90 percent is incinerated, winds up in landfills, or ends up as litter clogging streams, rivers and oceans.
A trip to any grocery store reveals the dilemma consumers face every day when they try to avoid unwarranted single use packaging. In response, citizens concerned about plastic pollution and reducing waste are urging business leaders to take action. Help us elevate these concerns from the local level by signing on to a letter authored by Dr. Randi Pokladnik.

Help us educate grocers across the Ohio River Valley about the negative health and environmental effects of single use plastics, the links between plastics and climate change, and the sad truths about plastic and its lack of recyclability.

Send a letter asking that the store managers and CEOs in your area immediately begin efforts to reduce plastic packing and ultimately move entirely to alternatives to plastic packaging.

Still Fighting Mountaintop Removal

On April 28 at 4 p.m. the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection Division of Mining and Reclamation will hold an informal conference to allow comments from those people having an interest which is or may be adversely affected by the Republic Energy, LLC Surface Mine Application Permit No. S300208, Renewal #2, located south of Clear Creek in Clear Fork District of Raleigh County. Register here for the conference, and contact OVEC with any questions.

Reclaiming What’s Ours

On April 28 at 12 p.m., Citizens Climate Lobby is co-hosting the RECLAIM Town Hall in support of two bills that are crucial to the cleanup of abandoned mine lands and economic transition efforts across the country. Join Congressman Matt Cartwright of Pennsylvania to learn about how coal-impacted communities will benefit from the RECLAIM Act and Reauthorization of the Abandoned Mine Land (AML) Fund, and have an opportunity to ask your questions about the bills.

Much Ado About Federal Policy

On May 11 at 4 p.m., Standing Up For Appalachia: A Just Transition will take place, featuring speakers on Reimagine Appalachia, the RECLAIM Act, and the THRIVE Agenda. Keep you eye on our calendar for more details as they’re released, including how to join.

To President Biden from West Virginians

Sign on to this letter, written in response to one sent by Joe Manchin on February 9, 2021, in which he urged the continued building of pipelines for fossil fuels, citing safety, energy security and jobs as reasons for his support of pipelines. We are West Virginia residents, and we are speaking up because, in this, Joe Manchin does not represent us.

