We hope this note finds you well and that you are taking solace in the beauty of the changing of the seasons. 

The Spring 2020 issue of Winds of Change, OVEC’s newsletter, is now online. To access your copy, click here or on the image at left.

The newsletter showcases some of what OVEC has been up to in the last few months. 

You can find out more about that today, as part of Earth Week celebrations. Please tune in today, April 23, at 2:00 p.m EST as we host an Earth Day Live event.

The live stream link is here.  Please RSVP here.

If you are on Facebook, please join the FB event and invite your friends.  

This is a live virtual storytelling event where we will  hear from residents of the Ohio River Valley region about their connections to the river, and their concerns about the proposed petrochemical industrial expansion in our region.

We hope to see you in cyberspace!

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